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“MICHAEL!” My boss yells as he walks into my office.

“Yes sir?” I ask him shocked, he’s never come into my office yelling my name.

“What is this?” He asks me angrily.

“T-that’s the report for this week sir.” I tell him, I mentally slap myself for that stupid stutter.

“I can see that Michael, what I cannot see is your cute little blue and pink sticky noted. Why aren’t there sticky notes? How am I supposed to read the most important bits if you don’t add my sticky notes?” He asks me, he now starts laughing as I clearly relax.

“Sorry sir, I ran out of sticky notes.” I tell him.

“Tell my son Ben that and he’ll get you some new ones.” Mr. H tells me, I laughed at how he just assumed I knew who Ben was and in what deparment he worked. I’m like his right hand man and he enjoyed my company which was nice, he didn’t spend a lot of time with his sons since Jack was in college and Ben worked part time to pay for his wife and newborn kid. We often went out to the bar after work and watched the game together, eventhough he was 18 years older than I was but he liked having somebody to hang with that wasn’t family. I also knew he had another son, but I couldn’t for the life of me remember the poor kids name.

“You coming to the party this year Michael?” He asks me.

“I’ll see about it H.” I tell him, he nods so I open up my email and mail Ben about getting more sticky notes, I never spoke to people outside of the office, well hardly.

Once I got home I decided it would be a nice idea to get a suit just in case I wanted to go to the party, I grabbed my wallet and made my way to the costume store. Yes costume store.

“Could I help you sir?” A small woman asks as I walk in, I look around and nod at her.

“I need a suit, like with a mask and please don’t call me sir.” I tell her, she nods and waves me over to the back. I saw a guy stepping out of the changing room holding a black suit, he looked pretty young but I didn’t get a good look at his face. He had blond hair as I could see from bits sticking out of his grey beanie, he was wearing grey sweats but they hung on his hips nicely and I saw a black frame meaning he was wearing glasses. His muscle tank showed off his broad shoulders but lanky arms. He was quite tall but by the way he moved and stood I knew he was barely legal, if that even.

“What do you think about this?” The woman asks me, she holds up a black tux but I knew I wanted something that stood out, you know if I wanted to go.

“I’m looking for something more out there.” I tell her, she nods and then comes up with the perfect suit and a mask to match. I tried it on and then bought it, actually feeling excited about the party for once, even though I never went and was never planning to, something inside me told me to go and just a small part off me actually wanted to go.

AN/so this is just a the first chapter, it's pretty short but I don't really know how long the updates will be, if I update. Next chapter will be the party and the beginning of the actual story. 

Vote/comment if you want me to go on because I'm not quite sure.

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