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My Father (park jimin)is a

"Malignwant Narcissist".

He is self obsessed and it is same for my mother.My father tried to get treatment but when she got married to my mother jennie everything stopped.

Things got rough and worse.Both were living their lives .My mother was obsessed with her looks and figure.She was always on diet and love dancing and was trying to be a model and dancer.

She was always on diet and love dancing and was trying to be a model and dancer

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she is really beautiful...

But because of the pressure they had to start a family.My dad didn't want any responsibilities.My mother was worried if she will get pregnant she would never become a dancer.I understand her.Because it is really a big responsibility.

But if my father don't have an heir he will not get anything from his father.And at the end they tried and because my mother didn't compromised of her figure she have started to go through miscarriages.It was three in row.My father just needed money.He didn't care about my mom health.





nurse called

"yes,what is it?what is it with her now?"

Jimin asked the nurse in very rude mode.he hated the smell of hospital.

"The doctor is waiting for you in his office.He wants to meet you to discuss her health."

the nursed said before running.


"what is it doc?" 

Jimin said in most angry tone like he was sent to ask for his rival's health.

"Mr.park please take a seat I want to discuss your wife health.So Mr.park-"

doctor was cut off by Jimin and was confused that he haven't started talking.

"Hey whatever your name is..just come to the point"

Jimin said slamming on the table he was irritated coming to hospital again and again(but it was basically his responsibility but in fact he hated that).

"So Mr.park as you know this is 3rd abortion of your wife so according to her health and being pregnant again and again after just a short interval I am sorry to say that If like that happens again.she will not be able to be pregnant again"

Doctor Suho said in hope for Jimin to understand because he have already told Jimin to wait after Jennie's second abortion but he was just considering that if he don't have a child he won't have money.

"So what?"

Jimin said while using his phone.

"Mr.park.I'll recommend you to send Jennie to her father's home so she will get better.And please be patient and consider her health in order of planning the family"

DR.Suho said before the nurse call the doctor to take a check up round on hospital.

Dr.Suho stood up from his seat and said

"I hope things will go well by time."

while patting Jimin's shoulder.and Jimin pushing his hand with pushed the door open and closed it with a pressure that made a "THUD" voice.


Jennie is laying on the hospital bed.when she opened her eyes .she saw her mom and dad.she was shocked.

"why are you all here?"

said Jennie trying to understand .

Her mother hugged her tell her that everything is okay and informed her that Jimin asked them to her (Jennie's father) home to get better take care of her.


After two days Jennie was at the parking area wishing if Jimin will come.she had starting feeling for his husband.

She like Jimin but not more than her dance and modeling.She went with her mom and took rest for few weeks.

She was missing Jimin a little they have become friends after the deal that Jimin will not force her to stop modeling and dancing. and Jennie will do the same not to consider their marriage as normal because their was no love in the marriage,because they love themselves the most.

After Jennie came home he was welcomed by Jimin who was siting on couch using his laptop. Jennie thought Jimin didn't noticed her.she went to take shower and when she came back to kitchen.When she entered the kitchen for her coffee she saw Jimin siting on counter.

"Didn't you missed me?"

Jennie asked from nowhere hoping Jimin will say

' honey i missed you ,i was worried ..are you ok?' 

but her thoughts cut off by--

"what's to miss ?"

Jimin said.it made Jennie to came back to reality.She then in her real personality.Acting like she doesn't care.when she was about to go from kitchen.

An arm snatched her causing her to yelp.she was soon pinned to the wall of kitchen beside counter.

"What are you doing?"

Jennie asked.looking in Jimin's eyes for answer.

Jimin's eyes were filled with anger,hate,and lust...


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