~FB- Thirteen~

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jungkook POV:

"So he is your new toy..amm okay .let's see how long it lasts?"

he said walking away What does he meant? ..Jin was also out of canteen like he was searching for me almost worried look like he will start crying again..

"was he bulling you too?"

he asked looking around with fear on his face with a pout. To shock me he made me turn around to see if I am hurt or if they hurt me.

I melt down and smiled while he was inspecting me.

"If you are done let's go. I am hungry ."

I said making him stop what he was doing.Then we went inside the canteen and eat our lunch.
He look really cute while eating. It make me to pinch his cheeks.We became friends. I was always topper and it made me to work hard so I will stick around him.

I always found ways to talk to him again and again. He was shy and quite. he was opening to me slowly. Whenever he needed my help he will wait if I am busy with something. He will not utter any word and try not to disturb me until  I glanced at him.

I easily read his eyes saying they need me. I always grab that book from him, place on my table and pulled his chair toward mine.He always flinched whenever I do that. Then I stare at him as he just point on the question he want me to solve.

I always solve it. He look so cute and handsome while he is so attentive and concentrating.When I am done I swiped the book toward him.


I said. He was always amazed at how I am fast and genius.I was working hard so he will not go to any one other than me to ask help.I wanted to be the only one for him he will see, talk, ask and search.

Months passed and he was now slowly opening to me. I love how his eyes shine brightly talking about his family mostly but to make me think why  he always talked about his ABOOJI and GRANNY.

Weeks of curiousness at a day on weekend.

And I asked that was my mistake. I know.

"Don't you have parents?"

At that question he was like scared to death.We were in library and sitting on chairs far away with a big table between us. I walked toward him sat on my knees to see him. His face was down and he was holding his tights strongly. Then I noticed a tear fell down at his hand.

It made me feel guilty again. Why I asked that? Why? I made him cry again.I looked up he was crying badly. He made eye contact with me like wanted help. I grabbed his wrist took him from the library, taking him to a park nearby. Then I noticed he was having panic attack.

He was breathing heavily and clenching his chest.

I made him ait down. I couldn't think of any thing. After few minutes when his condition didn't get any better. I decided to call for help. I stood up and try to find someone that could help us. I was panicking. but then I felt someone grabbing and pulling my pants.

I looked back then I noticed his one hand was on his chest and second pulling my pants. I sat down holding his that hand that was pulling me down.


I asked.

"d....on't ...go ..plea...se"

he said in broken but I understood I hold his hand tightly and started to rub his hand..It didn't made any change. I was also at the edge of crying I was not being able to help him. i wanted to help him but I don't know how.

Then I thought and then I pulled him in hug. He didn't flinched or got scared he grabbed my shirt tightly.I started rubbing his back.

"JIN it's ok.....I am here"

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