~FB-Twenty ~

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In these few months I think I know him for years...

The thing I was afraid finally happened. I cursed myself again and again.

I was now laying down on bed with glaring JIN who was talking to DR. whose name was somehow SUHO because JIN was continuously calling him uncle SUHO.

After they left me alone in room. After some good minutes. I closed my eyes because of the vaccines doctor gave me... I got a fever now I am scared a little because the side of Jin I was avoiding now I am going to see. Doctor told me the fever haven't came out completely. I was like that I never get sick that easily but when I get sick it's like the soul is going out from my body.

I fell asleep I don't know for how long I sensed something wet on hand. I didn't made him notice that I am awake. JIN was crying. He was holding my hands and kissing my hand again and again. I wanted to hold him but I was feeling dizzy. I couldn't move. I decided to wait to get my stamina back so I could do something.

JIN's tears was my weakness and his smile was my strength. I can't see him crying. I hear him mumbling.



"I can't see like this"

"it hurts"

"my bad luck is reaching you"

"please be ok"


It was enough.


I called out I was making my other hand to him. he suddenly hold that hand.

But I took my hand out and reached his face I caressed his cheek he quickly leaned to my touch. I pulled him down ,cupped his and wiped his tears. He was centimeters away from me.

His tears were not stopping some fell on my chest.

I made him laid him on my chest. He was crying silently. He hugged me. And I put my arm on his waist.

"I am okay "

"it's just a seasonal fever"

"you are lucky to me"

"you bring luck to me...never forget that"

"you know that I can't see you crying if you are angry on me .. fight with me , beat me but don't do this."

He soon calmed down but I didn't let him go I was about to sleep again. Then he said.

"before you sleep let's get you some food"

Before I could say anything he was out of room. I never liked patient food.

He returned with food but it was not like patient food, JIN made some changings. I was so hungry immediately. He put the tray down. Made me sit.

And started to feed me. I was soon full. He made food in jumbo bowl. I was so full. I couldn't eat it anymore.

"say ahh"

I didn't open my mouth. But I saw JIN was glaring at me I pretended to throw so instantly JIN stopped then made me take my medicine.

"Did you eat?"

JIN didn''t answered instead ran out I knew what It meant.

Jin was a terrible lair. I difficultly went to kitchen he was washing the dishes. I stood right behind him.

"Are you going to eat or...

Jin got scared and screamed

"ahh. Jungkook why are you here? Go rest"

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