~FB - Fourteen~

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"Hi, Are you jungkook?"

"yeah, mam but how you-"

I said while glancing at JIN who was looking worried as his GRANNY will know.

"I know you are the one JIN was always talk about"

she said and I blushed.

"can you do me a favor son?" -GRANNY

"yes, mam"

"please can you walk JIN home I am worried" -GRANNY

"yeah, mam I'll do that. Don't worry"

"Thank you"

she said and call ended.

"Come JIN. Let me give you a walk"

I said while giving him a hand to stand up.

We were now walking I was holding his bag as I noticed that he is still walking weakly as panic attack made him weak. It was making me worried he seems like he was limping when we were out of park and he limped quite and almost fell. I stopped and bent down at the level of his legs.

"JIN,are you hurt?"

  I said while glancing at his legs.and I turned him in circle to see if he is hurt.

"I am okay. Thank you but can we go now if you are done."

He tried to persuade me but I was consistent at that question.

"you have to tell me when we get home."

I said then I tried to support him with pulling his one arm around my neck.

He said he was okay, but I knew he was not. Soon we reached at his home basically his grandfather. An old lady was standing at the door looking worried as hell. She quickly ran and asked JIN what happened. But JIN all said he was okay. After a few good minutes she noticed me.

I quickly bowed down and said hello. She stopped me to give my introduction as she said she already know me a lot. Time to go home. When I said goodbye and was about to go . His granny stopped me and said JIN's ABOOJI is not here and she wanted to talk to me and invited me for dinner.

My parents were out of town so I didn't mind. We talked a lot, ate dinner, I went with JIN we did some homework not a lot as I was worried he was weak and suddenly pale. I made him sleep but he was continually telling it is not appropriate to sleep as I was his guest so I said just take a nap and then we will play games and study or may be movie.

Finally he went to sleep. I went to living room where his GRANNY was waiting for me as she said she wanted to talk to me... I sat on the chair beside coffee table, and waited for her to start talking.

After some minutes she asked.

"What happened to JIN?"

I told her what was truth from start to end that he had panic attack after I asked him about his parents and he told me everything. She was somehow shocked she told me JIN never open up about his Family and anything. My mind was all on JIN why was he limping..Is he was hurt I asked her at last..

"MAM,I ...wanna ask you something if you don't mind?"

I asked afraid to get some bad news. My heart was on a race..

"what is it? Ask me "

she said in calm tone..

"amm..earlier that Jin was not able to walk comfortably and he was about fall two times..is he hurt?"

I asked and noticed her change in behavior as she started to looked worried more than before.

"Did he ate something while he was with you ? he didn't eat his breakfast saying he will make you wait if he do that"

Then I remember JIN didn't eat anything all day plus he had panic attack.. so he was  like that because he didn't eat. But now then GRANNY told me everything..

He had hypotonia which got treated but he have weak bones. So he have to take care of his health a lot as he have weak heart too. After I heard about his heart I began to panic and stood up took my mobile out..

"JIN? ...Is it ok? I know someone who is heart doctor mind if I call him."

I asked her she made me sit down on chair.

"Jin is okay son. Don't worry but when he panic out or  when he stress out or depressed then is the time to worry, he can't take stress as he have gone through alot. "

She assured me so I calmed down.

"can you do me favor son?"

she asked me and I nodded.

" please take care of him.. he doesn't take care of himself he always say that he wants to make his family happy..he always talk about you like are the only one  in his life.. he have never talked about anyone. he never had any friend as he was always scared to make friends...On his first day of his new school he was very happy when he came home.. he said "GRANNY I met an angel, He saved me" he was so happy since that day.. he was no longer afraid to go school."

At the name of angel I smiled that JIN consider me his angel.

Then she asked what are things JIN told me.. and I honestly told her everything then she adds something because she said she trusted me in behalf of JIN.

She told me when his panic attacks started and why JIN tranferred the school. There was a boy who was senior to JIN tried to harass him and tried to take him home but JIN told me (GRANNY).i was thinking of a better excuse as JIN made me promise him not to tell his GRANDFATHER.

JIN was scared to death as that thing continued for a long time. Then one day when he returned home he had a panic attack. Luckily his grandfather saw and calmed him down. He never asked JIN anything as JIN had another panic attack when his GRANDFATHER tried to ask him.

Only she and me(jk) knew this.. I fell proud I was the person he shared his problems...

" Mam, thank you for telling me that.. I really appreciate that.. he is really pure.. a true angel.he has gone through a lot.. Don't worry mam .I will take care of him and make sure he don't skip meals.."

I wanted to say a lot but she cut me off thinking I am done.

"please I'll be really great-full for that . please take care of him until he is here".

I didn't understand what does she meant 'until he is here'

"mam, where Is JIN going and what do u---"

she stood up shocked ... I stood up turned to see in her direction.I stood froze there as there when I saw JIN in the stairway.

'Did he hear everything?'

'what he hear?'

'since when he is here?'

GRANNY told me whenever that topic is brought up he begin to panic. JIN was now approaching me.. It scared me... what I am gonna do...

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