Sixty Four

810 59 2

Gen pov:

Today JIN was again asleep for longer and JUNGKOOK was the one waking him up. JUNGKOOK woke up and went to prepare breakfast. He came back to see JIN sleep. He called him but no awail.

"jin" JIN stirred but didn't open his eyes. JUNGKOOK smiled as he leaned down placed one hand on bed for support and gave a peck on JIN lips.

To other side JIN was awake but remained there supressing his laugh. JUNGKOOK leaned again and gave a peck to JIN. This time JIN held his face as JUNGKOOK came to know everything.JUNGKOOK smirked and pulled away.

"so you are playing with me ha?" JIN pouted.

"Go fresh up and come for food"

JIN nodded. Meanwhile JUNGKOOK become busy making everything ready for their picnic.Soon they were done from breakfast. Then JUNGKOOK ask one maid.

"is everything ready?"

"yes everything is done."

"okay thank you"

JIN attention drifted to JUNGKOOK.

"what is it?"

"umm. We are going to picnic"



JIN become happy.

"you like it?"

JIN nodded and ran to his room.

JUNGKOOK smiled and went to JIN.

"what would we need?"

"everything we need is packed. "


"yes but most important part is missing "

JIN tilted his head in confusion. JUNGKOOK came closer to JIN.

"it's you."

JIN blushed. And took his phone. Soon they were driving and JIN was humming and glancing outside the window. They were going to countryside. Where JUNGKOOK rented a cottage.

JUNGKOOK glanced at JIN looking happy. He smiled feeling great. Then he turned back to road.

"when we will reach there?"

"we are almost there ."

The JUNGKOOK phone rang and it was JUNGKOOK mom.

"it's your mom."

"please put on speaker please. " JIN did the same.

"hey son I am at your apartment where are you?"

"mom we are going to picnic."

"we ? with who? You should be with jin"

JUNGKOOK glanced at JIN who was laughing hearing JUNGKOOK mom ranting him.

"mom calmed down. And I am going with jin to picnic."

"oh.pass cell to my ill mannered idiot.". JIN burst down laughing again that tears came out.

"i am driving and you are on speaker mom."

JUNGKOOK went back to driving as his mom doesn't want to talk to him.

"hey son. How are you?" JIN took a minute to stop laughing.

"yes I am good. How are you?" the car was stopped and JUNGKOOK was taking things out. JIN stayed in the car.

"i am well too son. Tell me is my  idiot son giving tough time to you? . I'll make him learn a lesson."

JUNGKOOK opened the car-door and gave a peck to JIN cheek leavinng him blushing hard.

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