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After few weeks after JENNIE caught up with him.JENNIE was feeling worst,look most messed up.She couldn't eat properly as her stomach push everything off.Soon she couldn't handle anything and passed out at the family dinner. JIMIN took her to the room and DR.SUHO arrived.

Checked up on JENNIE then he took JIMIN in a separate room and remind her JENNIE's condition.

"Haven't you told her the consequence of being pregnant again?"

suho asked in calm tone.

JIMIN was silent and it was the answer. SUHO sighed and told him to reconsider the decision because JENNIE couldn't be pregnant for more than four times as it may results any danger to the health of mother or the baby.

It was obvious that JIMIN never told JENNIE about this and was not going to tell.As he knew what will JENNIE do after that.HE wanted to make his feet stronger to take control of the company.

JIMIN started to care her,this time she was not locked,not looked after by guards as JIMIN didn't saw any need as JENNIE was truly happy because she saw concern in JIMIN eyes as he started accompany her to hospital.

But it was that what she was thinking. JIMIN accompany her untill ultrasound give her smile when he saw seed growing then stay her to go for walk with granny .The same granny that was with JENNIE when she was pregnant with NAMJOON.

JIMIN was taking precautions not to let her know about her condition.

He somehow make doctor believe that JENNIE want that child that was true but truth was hidden from her.

After months she had completely fallen for JIMIN as she was considering everything he was doing for her.he started spend nights with her. Make her eat properly,take medicines regularly and going for walk everyday.

JIMIN was thinking that everything is going to be okay.But it was just the start.

JENNIE's body started to react . Her body started to give up as there was only three months left. JIMIN started to feel bad a little. The gender was also not known as the baby was inverted in the womb.

SUHO was warning him again as the condition was going far.He was afraid JEnnie wouldn't be able to survive through her labor. Or may be baby will  not be a normal born


One day SUHO was sitting on his work table worriedly reading through reports of JENNIE and baby's ultrasound. Baby's growth has slowed down as there is only one month left.He was worried may be the baby's heart will not be healthy .HE was more worried .If the baby is abnormal?what will happen? I am her doctor she have right to know. I didn't vow for that.I am her doctor to save lives not making them covered by the fear of death.


The days was nearing he was more worried now. Soon that day came he told JENNIE that she won't be able to survive the labor pain but she was consistent because she had a show in two months. HE warned her and the result came out more worst then SUHO thought.

JENNIE passed out on bed it was the first time JIMIN was in hospital for someone with his own heart.

Nurse came out and told him about the news of boy's birth.HE was happy but SUHO came out and without saying anything he went passed JIMIN.

After some hours later nurse call out JIMIN to meet up the doctor.

JIMIN went to DOCTOR SUHO office who was going through some papers he sat down on chair.

"I told you to not to do that, i- told u--"

SUHO said in angry tone.

"what?what's wrong?"

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