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"JUNGKOOK..JUNGKOOK wake up" I stirred in sleep.


"JUNGKOOK wake up!"

I opened my eyes and closed it again.JIN sat on me.

"wake up.."

After some minutes he stood up.

"okay don't. continue sleeping. I'll go alone."

When he was about to go.I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward me. He was on top of me again. He put his hand on my chest.

I rolled and hover him. He confusingly stare at me. And he blushed too.

"i am awake"

I said while staring at him.

"why you didn't used your morning alarm?"


"where is my morning kiss?"

"what wha- what are you talking about?"

he was deep red now.

"You were not shy last night. Now my kiss"

I made my face near his face. He hesitant for a little bit.

He then held my face between his soft hands. I leaned to his touch and closed my eyes.

He quickly pecked my cheek. Ahh I don't know how I controlled myself but I have to control myself. I have to earn his trust.

I laid down again.and pulled him close me.

"i want this daily"

I noticed JIN's reactions changed. He was sad. I kissed his temple and his cheek multiple time. He started giggling making me smile too.

"So why were you waking me up?"

It seemed like he had forgotten.

"oh.JUNGKOOK wake up. It's snowing outside. I wanna play"

he sat up and pulling me up excitedly

"is it?"


"okay after that I'll take shower did you?"

"umm no" he pouted.

I pinched his cheek.

"okay can I brush?"

"be quick"


I stood up and went to washroom.When I returned he was all ready holding my overcoat.I smiled at him.

We went out of the hotel. The snow was stopped. He angrily pouted at me.

I laughed at his reaction. I ran far from him making a snow ball. When he saw the snow ball in my hand he ran away from me. Of course I as stronger than him.

I gave him time to throw at me too. At after 1 and half an hour when I was running after him with a big ball in my hand he stopped near the tree accepting his defeat.

Then we went inside.

He held my hand but I interwined the hands. He saw his hands and smiled. Soon it gone after seeing something. I saw his direction and my smile went away after watching that disgusting couple. I turned toward them but JIN stopped me. He shocked his head in no.

I leaned down close to his face.

"do you want me to stop?"

He nodded.

Mr impossible'z angel[Jinkook]Where stories live. Discover now