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They stayed like that for some minutes until JUNGKOOK broke the contact.

He carassed Jin cheek and Jin leaned to the touch closing his eyes.

"let's eat something hm?"

Jungkook stood up pulling Jin up. They walked to kitchen. There were some maids.

"i'll cook the breakfast you all can go"

Jungkook said and thanked them when they were walking out.

He turned to counter to make ingrediants |Jin stared at Jungkook lovingly.

He made vegiteble soup and made fresh juice for Jin . He took some fruits out and cut them nicely he even decorated the plates.

He slowly put the things on kitchen counter.

When he was about to sit.

"Did you brush?"


"i didn't too"

He pulled Jin to washroom and they both fresh up. Then they went to kitchen. Jin ate quietly. Jungkook ate too without speaking anything knowing it is hard for Jin.

After that Jin and Jungkook went to room as the maids didn't allowed them to do the dishes.Jin sat on the floor resting his back on bed corner.

Jungkook closed the door and sat with Jin placed his head on Jungkook shoulder. And grabbed Jungkook fingers. He started playing with knuckles and finger tips like a little child.

"Jungkook? "

"yeah ?"




Jin didn't know what to ask. His insecurities were stopping him to say 'he got his memory back' he was scared. His mind was telling him that Jungkook is pitying him. He is not in love with him.

He got back to reality when Jungkook cupped his face making him see Jungkook .

"what is it?"

"i don't know"

He held his face down.

"tell me whatever you are thinking."

"granny-granny.. said you are my angel "

He tried to control his tear but fell.Jungkook wiped his face.

"JIN yes I am..I know I did bad. I am really sorry . please forgive me. I regretted every single day. I was dying of what I did. Please forgive me."

he got teary too. Jin wiped his tears with the cuff of his shirt.

"don't be sorry. what you did was to protect me."

"you are not angry on me?"

"how can I be angry at my angel?"

Jungkook smiled. Jin really wanted to tell he got his memory back.

"JIN I know I know you lost your memories. It's okay if you..you don't remember. We will take everything slow. We can make new memories right?"

Jin smiled and nodded.

"i promise I'll not repeat that. I vow to you to protect you and make you happy forever"

Jungkook leaned in and kissed JIN temple then his eyes and then he stopped staring at Jin lips.

Jin noticed and pulled Jungkook by his collar connected their lips. Jungkook got stunned but pulled Jin closer to him.

Jin tilted to kiss him deeper. He got teary. Jungkook pulled him on his lap. Jin pulled Jungkook more close to him. His hand was in Jungkook hair pulling him closer.

Mr impossible'z angel[Jinkook]Where stories live. Discover now