if i havent already made it clear, i miss you and i feel like im drowning

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you know what really sucks?

i really need a hug right now.

im sitting here on my couch,
feeling empty as fuck,
and mom and dad arent home
and my brother and sister arent home
and my cousin is here with his girlfriend in the other room
playing some video game
and i really just need a hug right now.

its funny because whenever i needed a hug before,
i just texted you and then you were here
on my doorstep
with a hug,
and then you'd go back home.

and now when i want a hug
and theres nobody around to give me one,
i cant text you.
i cant ask you for a hug.
i cant ask you to be here,
to hold me,
to let me cry into you,
to let you pull me back together.

i just gotta sit here with this hole in my chest
and try to pull myself together,
cuz this journey is about self dependance,
and i gotta watch the world around me go dark
and hope tomorrow is a little bit
and hope i see you in my dreams tonight
to fill up my hearts hollowness
for another few seconds.

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