we are having fun out here

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had an anxiety attack again so
guess who went back into the box?
this stupid bitch did!!!
and guess who is wearing the bracelet you got me????
and guess who got a picture and that little rock thingie you made me and the keychain you got me out of the box too and now just has them sitting on the bed next to her and she doesnt know what to do with them but doesnt wanna put them back??
you guessed it yall, its me again.
guess who listened to the same fucking song on repeat for AN HOUR while sitting there clutching your drawings and SOBBING??????
joe biden.
just kidding, it was me. 

ya know,
the picture i have

its a polaroid that i wrote the date on.

it was taken two months and three days before the world ended.

we look so happy.

where did it all go wrong?

when did our love become something else?

not sure.

but ill keep being the stupid bitch i am
and keep these items out of the box
and keep this bracelet on my wrist
till mom catches me and tells me to put it all back.

holy crikeys i forgot i was wearing makeup still and now there is mascara literally fucking everywhere

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