Ketro stands on his ship.
he looks out at the stars and a single tear rolls down his cheek.they all remind him of her.
but she is gone. its all his fault.
he doesn't know when he will see her again,
or if he ever will.a memory slips into his hands for a moment,
she once fell asleep laying on top of him
and he stroked her hair as she slept.that was a nice night.
he goes and sits down and opens a small folder.
it contains every note, card or drawing
she ever gave to him.
he kisses each one.he thinks about how she almost destroyed him.
he shakes that thought away. he will deal with that once he is able to.
he places everything back in the folder and walks back over to the window.
he places his hand on the glass.
"i will find you again, Cylis."
Cylis stares out into the oblivion before her.
she looks around, sees nothing but the blanket they once shared and three plushies: a tiger, a whale and a large bear.she bursts into a heap of sobs and flames.
there are no other stars around her.
she is the only one for miles.she cant see him.
he is gone. its all her fault.
she remembers the time she fell asleep on him.
she woke up,
feeling him running his hands through her hair.
she pretended to continue sleeping,
so that he wouldn't stop.she digs her nails into her palms,
fighting not to rip the skin off of her fingers.she doesnt know if or when she'll see him again.
she reaches out into the nothingness with a shaking hand.through sputters and gasps, she manages to speak.
"please come find me, love. im lost without you."
she curls up into a little ball of light,
but she is fading fast.she silently wishes she would burn out.

Adventures, Memories, and Everything in Between
Poetrybook 1 my brain is too crowded so i made room by putting stuff in here. so you're reading my brain pretty much. enjoy <3 WARNING: mature content because of strong language and references to alcohol and probably other stuff ALSO NONE OF THE VIDEOS IN...