a list of things to tell you whenever we talk for the second first time

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-i love you
-i missed you
-im so pissed at you
-there will be new rules with new relationship
-i look different, get used to it
-i act different sorta, get used to it
-i don't make self deprecation jokes anymore ayyy
-i started playing fortnite (i know, crucify me)
-i have been hurting a lot without you
-i have been doing a lot of soul searching
-i have been healing myself for once instead of expecting someone to save me
-i saved me
-i bit the fuck out of my nails and then after cutting my hair, i didnt anymore. kinda weird but whatever
-i would write until the world stops spinning if it meant you could have stayed
-i went to tennessee. 11 hours away. it kinda bothered me that while i couldnt see you, i was no longer just down the street. i dont know why.
-i started therapy, woo!
- i dont know what the hell im doing 100% of the time
-i want you to read all of this whenever we are back together. in fact i WANT you to read it now but i know you wont

i will update the list as i think of stuff but this is what i got for now

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