Chapter 1: Reincarnated

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Hello everyone, welcome to my Narutoverse fic. I just want to mention a few things before the start of the story. First off, you may notice that I reference the background of the Narutoverse but made some small changes to it as well. For instance, some events that took place when certain characters were a certain age may not align due to me making changes in the details to fit my story like, Sasuke was supposed to be 8 years old and already be attending the academy when Itachi massacred the Uchiha clan.

Well, in short, that didn't happen in this story. Sasuke hadn't officially enrolled yet and was only 5 or 6 when Itachi killed his clansmen and defected. Details details.

Second, the main character of my story will be named Karasuma Izaya, Izaya is his first name.

And lastly, disclaimer notice, I do not own any characters or plot related to the actual Narutoverse except for my own original character and the makeshift changes I made to the original story. I hope you enjoy the story.

Chapter 1

Drip...Drip...Drip...Water from the ceiling of the cave continued to fall at a constant pace. Not too fast, but not slow either. The room was dimly lit by multiple torches hanging on the sides of the wall. Multiple large cylindrical containers filled with liquid were erected in the room and gave off a light blue glow.

In one of the containers the fingers of a specimen slightly moved. "Ugh...What happened...Where am I? Am I not dead?" I took a minute to slowly assimilate my mind and recollect my thoughts since all I could see was darkness. The last thing I remembered was being shot in the chest and then pressing a button that triggered an explosion.

Oh wait. Right, I was on a search and destroy mission.

I worked as an international spy for the UN and was supposed to infiltrate and recover or destroy the new weapon of one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world. The day before I was about to complete my mission someone leaked the info of my mission to the enemy so I had to work in haste. I ended up getting shot in the process, but I was able to successfully transmit the data of their weaponized research to the UN.

Since I was dying and had no way to escape I ended up destroying the entire research base with the multiple explosives I planted. I should've died then and there but turns out I'm alive. Is this what they call reincarnation?

I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. Seems I'm in some sort of experimental container I mused as I checked over the multiple needles and pads attached to my new body. Wow, my hands are pretty pale looking.

Wait, does this mean my entire body is this pale? Jeez, almost like a ghost...I have a feeling that if I stick around here i'll be in for a world of torture. Seems like the other containers are empty. Hmm...and my hands and feet are pretty small. Did I reincarnate into the body of a child?

As I was musing to myself I heard footsteps coming from the hallway corridor so I quickly resumed by dead-like comatose state. Surprisingly, even with my eyes closed I seemed to be able to tell where the mysterious figure was and track its movements.

In my mind the figure looked like a blue light of fire. The footsteps slowly got louder and louder until they came to a stop in front of the container I was in. I wonder who it is I silently pondered. Probably the person who put me in this damned jar.

What I wasn't expecting was that the voice of this mysterious individual sounded incredibly eerie and sinister.

"Another failure." It said. "Looks like I'll have to leave this hideout before I'm discovered. What a pity. Other than that kid Yamato every other experimental subject died in the process of creating a Wood Style user. I even went to the lengths of giving this one the sharingan and tortured its mind in hopes to unleash the mangekyou sharingan. Unfortunately both the body and the mind couldn't stand the process and ended up shutting down."

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