Chapter 2: Finding Haku

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Whoosh...The wind breezed past my face as I continued to run through the forest at a leisurely pace. I took a piece of bread from my knapsack and stuffed it into my mouth with appreciation. Thankfully those bandits I saw earlier were pretty stupid as I thought back to what happened a few days ago.

*Flash Back a few days ago*

"You idiot, I told you to double check the information. Those merchants obviously aren't going to come down this way or they would have crossed our paths yesterday!"

"Alright, calm down Jugo. No need to yell so furiously at Kanwai."

"Sen, you're too soft of Kanwai." Jugo said.

Kanwai gave an embarrassed glance at Jugo and Sen before turning his head away in shame. Sen simply sighed and then said, "Well, no use fussing about it now. Lets go and gather some intel in the nearby town Jugo. Kanwai, you stay here and watch our stuff. We'll be back in a few days."

Kanwai simply gave a nod before lowering his gaze once more. Jugo shook his head and soon after the man called Sen and Jugo both ran off towards the town they spoke of earlier. I simply stayed hidden in a nearby bush remaining as still as possible and controlled my breathing to be as shallow as possible. Not giving a chance to expose my presence.

Thankfully it didn't seem like any of them were a sensor type ninja. Well, given that they failed to track the merchant group they wanted to rob gave me assurance that they probably wouldn't find me so long as I didn't make any sudden movements. I was resting nearby when I sensed 3 different chakra signatures approach so I had quietly made my way over to observe.

Through my sharingan and sensory skills I easily determined that this guy named Kanwai was the weakest of the 3. Since they're bandits I won't feel that bad stealing from them, but should I go in guns blazing or wait for a better chance...I'll wait and see what this Kanwai guy does first. Maybe he'll do something stupid like leave the camp site...

Wow I mused to myself. Speak of the devil, this guy really is leaving the campsite.

"I can't believe I got duped and got false information." Kanwai mumbled to himself. Gotta take a leak he silently thought. He stood up and started walking away from the campsite to a nearby tree.

Heh, leaving your back exposed to me with your guard visibly down, luck is on my side.

"Earth Style Headhunter Jutsu." I placed my hands on the ground and sunk into it. Not a moment later my hands reached up and dragged Kanwai down to the ground by his ankles until only his head was above ground.

He shrieked at the sudden attack. "Who the hell is it!" Kanwai panicked and yelled. He tried turning his head but to no avail.

I slowly walked up in front of him so he could see me. "Wh-who are you? What do you want?" He said.

As I walked closer out from the shadow of the trees and into the light I simply gave him a smile.

"What the hell? A kid?" Kanwai calmed down and started laughing. "Ha-Hahaha! Boy, do you have any idea who I am? Better run before I…"

Before he could finish his sentence his body shuddered everywhere and beads of sweat started falling from his forehead.

The reason?

It was because before he could finish his sentence, the kid in front of him took off his blindfold and revealed demonic looking eyes. The legendary eyes that many ninja in the shinobi world dreaded facing on the battlefield. Those blood colored black patterned deadly looking eyes. The sharingan.

"H-how...Y-you…" At this point Kanwai couldn't form a coherent sentence. I stopped walking once I was close enough to him and then knelt down in front of him as I stared straight into his eyes.

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