Chapter 61: Managing the Village

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The skies were overcast with gloomy clouds as a slight chilly breeze passed through the air, however, at this very moment the entire village was gathered down below right before the Hokage's building.

"Hey, do you know what's going on?"

"I don't know, don't ask me."

"It feels like something drastic is going to happen."

"Huh? How can anything more drastic than the aftermath of the 4th Great Ninja War happen?"

"Tsk. I hope whatever this important public announcement that Lord 5th Hokage has to make is actually important."

"I wonder what's going on with the village. How are we going to survive this crisis? Our homes are still left in shambles."

"Heh. Probably will be in shambles for a long time. Here's a secret, I saw the 5th Hokage drinking away liters upon liters of alcohol just the other day."

"Shhhh! Keep that information to yourself. What if she hears you? Don't you know that the 5th is rumored to be a bit hot tempered? I hear she could blast a mountain into smithereens with a single punch!"

Chatter amongst chatter could be heard from the crowd below as confusion, dissent, and growing anxiety filled the atmosphere. At this moment on top of the Hokage's building stood several elite Jonin, Shizune, Tsunade, the two Konoha elders, and myself. Shizune turned to Tsunade with a bit of worry as she heard what some people were saying down below and concernedly said, "Lady Tsunade-" However, before she could finish her sentence Tsunade smirked and replied, "It's fine Shizune. There is some truth to what the people are saying. This is precisely why it's the perfect time to name a new Hokage. Plus, what people are saying is only temporary. They are speaking how they feel at this moment. I don't take any personal offense to it."

She then strode forwards revealing herself to all the people below causing the crowd to go completely silent. Tsunade cleared her throat and in a loud booming voice she said, "People of Konoha! I know you all have your doubts and worries about the state of the village. I stand here before you as your 5th Hokage to tell you this, I know the war has affected you all. It has affected me as well. Yes, I admit it. The war has taken its toll on me and has hindered my ability to properly meet the needs of the village and its people. For that I can only offer you my apologies and ask for your forgiveness. I have failed you in this time of great need. And that is why I have decided to abdicate the position of the 5th Hokage for the 6th Hokage! Rest assured that in his hands the village will find its flame in the dark and reignite anew. He is one of the great war heroes that played a pivotal role in ending the 4th Great Ninja War. He has earned the moniker of Konoha's White Flash, The Blind Warrior, The Lone Ninja, and The God of Shinobi. Step forth, Karasuma Izaya!"

The crowd below were extremely shocked at the speech Tsunade just gave and at this new development. At Tsunade's que I slowly and confidently made my way over and stood before the crowd below. The wind in the air slowly passed by causing my new Hokage's haori to flutter around. It was a sleek snow white colored haori with red flames patterned along the border of the sleeves and bottom of the cloak. There were also red falling leaf patterns printed around the Haori with the word 6th Hokage on the back. I also wore long dark red pants and a white dress shirt with dark red buttons. The sleeves were rolled back to my elbows and my shirt was only buttoned to my upper chest. I wore a necklace with the letter H on it and had Muramasa strapped on the left side of my waist with a black colored leaf forehead protector tied on the sheath. The familiar feature of my blindfold covered my eyes accentuating my presence.

The crowd took in my appearance above them all and I at them, and as if it were truly the beginning of a new dawn and age the dark clouds in the sky slowly began to part ways and the beams of the sun's rays started to shine down on the world. This scene for some reason caused a feeling of majesty and of new found hope to surge into the hearts of the people. Tsunade smiled and walked over to me as she handed me the signature hat of the Hokage. I slightly nodded at Tsunade and took the hat in my hands before putting it on. A moment of silence passed by as I gave the crowd a moment to take in the new changes happening, then, I put on a serious expression and addressed the crowd below.

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