Chapter 23: Brother's Heart to Heart

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Fwish! Fwish!

At this moment two Anbu stealthily and silently appeared, knelt on the ground and bowed their heads to Hiruzen. They were exactly Ghost and Silent Mist returning from their reconnaissance mission. Ghost cupped his right fist in his left hand as a show of respect and said, "Reporting, reconnaissance mission is completed. On our way out of the Leaf Village we encountered four Leaf Jonin who appeared to be in a battle. They were Hatake Kakashi, Sarutobi Asuma, Yuhi Kurenai, and Might Guy. Hatake Kakashi was injured in that battle. After some investigation we discovered that the ones who fought those four Jonin were Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame. Both are S-rank missing ninja listed in the bingo book. They disappeared not long after the fight. The surrounding areas around the Hidden Leaf are otherwise safe. The only abnormality we detected was in a forest clearing 3 miles north of the main gate where the foreign shinobis activated a summoning ritual to summon the giant snake beast that attacked the village a few days ago."

Hiruzen had a pensive and worried look on his face as I mentioned the report about Itachi. He let out a soft sigh before saying, "Mn. Very good. It is best that you do not engage in combat with those two. I'm afraid they may be even more powerful than Orochimaru. I have already heard from Jiraiya about their organization. You will be briefed on the information concerning their organization next week when you can begin your official Anbu training. For now you both have done well. You may head to the Anbu quarters and return to your other identities. Ghost, return here once you have changed."

Silent Mist and I both saluted Lord Third and said, "Yes!"

We disappeared in the next moment. Hiruzen watched as Silent Mist and Ghost disappeared before opening his window and let a black crow into the room. He unwrapped the small note attached to its feet before letting it fly back out. "Itachi." He said in a sad voice. He unfurled the note and read about some information Itachi had written about Akatsuki. He then read about making sure to keep his mission a secret and to protect Sasuke before destroying the note and letting out a soft sigh.

As Haku and I reverted back to our normal attire I looked at Haku to see if he was going to ask why I didn't tell Lord Third about our encounter with Itachi and Kisame, however he just continued to change and didn't voice any opposition to my choice. I inwardly sighed to myself. I want him to find his own ninja way but I'm also glad at times like these that Haku readily accepts my choices and will follow what I do without question. Well, maybe that is his ninja way, I guess only he would know I silently pondered to myself.

"Guess a lot of Anbu were sent out on faraway missions. I don't see any other people around." Haku commented.

"Mn. I'm guessing Yamato-sensei also went out on an Anbu mission for Lord Third, otherwise we would of had a bit of an easier time suppressing the foreign ninja attack on the village near the gates."

"I wonder when Yamato-sensei is coming back." Haku wondered.

"Well, Lord Third said we'll start our official Anbu training next week so maybe Yamato-sensei will be back by then and be our Anbu instructor taking us out on missions." I speculated. "Since Hiruzen-sensei asked for me to return I will go see him. What about you Haku?"

"Hmm...I'll go visit Maro in the hospital to see how he's doing first. Since I've become a Chunin i'm going to see what kind of techniques I can access from the academy after. I'm sure we'll also have access to some even more advanced techniques as Anbu directly under Lord Third when we start our formal training next week." Haku replied.

"Mn. Good idea. Then I'll be off. Tell Kimimaro that I said hello and that I'll visit him after." I disappeared in the next moment leaving only Haku. He silently nodded to where I once was standing before leaving the Anbu barracks himself.

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