Chapter 54: The God of Shinobi

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War Recap:

First Division: Locked in battle by the sea against White Zetsu Army and Reanimated shinobi.

Second Division: Battlefield won. Tobi appears chasing after a worn Naruto and Bee. Izaya prepares to face him in battle.

Third Division: Battlefield Won! Split to aid the First and Second Division.

Fourth Division: Battlefield Won! Left to aid the First Division.

Fifth Division: Aiding the First Division

Others: Kakashi, Sai, Sasuke, Haku, Fourth Raikage, Neji, and Kimimaro are hunting down Ashina and Tobirama.

At this moment 8 people stood in the distance unmoving amongst a field of white snow as a cold wind blew through the air while hundreds of people from the Second Division stood on the outskirts feeling incredibly nervous. One member couldn't hold in his anxiousness and finally said, "Captain Kurotsuchi, Lord Fifth Hokage, i-is Vice Captain Izaya really going to be alright on his own against Madara and his 6 Jinchuriki?"

Kurotsuchi frowned completely doubtful herself, but didn't want to bring down the mood so she remained silent.

Tsunade scowled and said, "Quiet. Pay attention and don't take your eyes off of the battlefield. Observe every detail. If we can find even just a single instance of an opening or weakness in Madara's attack then it'll be advantageous for us." She then returned her focus to healing Naruto and Bee.

There was finally movement in the battlefield as the 6 Jinchuriki rushed out at great speeds. I narrowed my eyes in complete focus as I watched Yagura, Fu, Roshi, Utakata, Yugito, and Han begin their attack. They fanned out their formation trying to box me in their entrapment so I quickly threw out the special kunai in my hand straight at Fu and dashed out to my right engaging Yugito in close combat Taijutsu.

Bang! Boom! Swish!

A fierce battle quickly broke out as the snow in the surrounding area fluttered through the air from the clash of both sides. I quickly dodged a right punch from Yugito and swept her legs prompting her to jump in the air to dodge. I flew to the kunai I threw at Fu in order to dodge a timely attack by Yagura and kicked straight at Fu's forehead from her blindspot. She expertly dodged as her eyes were linked with the others and she countered by throwing a right uppercut. I quickly thrusted out my palm and caught her fist not letting go while marking her with my Flying Thunder God Seal before creating a Taiyougan in my hand and struck out towards her head. Before my technique landed Utakata rushed over and stuck out his palm shouting, "Almighty Push!"

I felt my body immediately tumble through the air and away from Fu unable to land my attack. Just as I steadied myself midair and was about to land on the ground Han appeared behind me and released a large amount of boiling steam. I quickly placed my hands together activating a Wind Style Ninjutsu that swept away Han's attack and twisted my body just in time to meet Han face to face. He threw a strong kick at my head which I dodged by ducking down and performing a reverse leg sweep at his one leg planted on the ground. Before my attack could connect, Roshi appeared and struck down with his fist. Just before I was hit I dropped several paper bombs and flew to Fu's side who I marked earlier. A loud explosion went off from the bombs I set damaging Han and Roshi as I quickly formed another Taiyogan in my hands and struck at Fu's body.

I widened my eyes in surprise as Fu instantly transformed into her red chakra mode which greatly enhanced her speed and power. One of her tails swept out to intercept my attack and successfully saved her body from being turned into ash, but the force of my attack sent her flying through the air for several tens of meters crashing about on the ground and causing several deep craters to form. I narrowed my eyes as I took note of Yugito, Yagura, Roshi, Han, and Utakata also transforming into their red chakra mode. Yagura and Yugito rushed straight at me as we engaged in a fierce contest of Taijutsu.

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