Chapter 51: Vice Captain

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War Recap:

First Division: Locked in battle by the sea against White Zetsu Army and reanimated shinobi.

Second Division: Hanabi and Kimimaro in Second Division. Captain Kitsuchi died. Kurotsuchi is named new Captain. Izaya arrives.

Third Division: Kakashi, Haku, Guy, Sakura, and Sasuke in this division are currently facing off against the 7 Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist as well as Might Duy, Fugaku, and Tobirama.

Fourth Division: Gaara's company with the aid of Onoki are currently facing the former Kage and Jiraiya. Rasa has already been sealed.

Fifth Division: Aiding the First Division

Others: Hiruzen making his way to the Fourth Division. Itachi and Nagato have been sealed away. Naruto, Bee, Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo are traveling together.

A cool breeze softly swept through the air causing several torch lights to flicker back and forth while lighting up the surrounding camp of the Second Division in the night. For now the sound of battle halted as different platoons took their turns on night watch duty. Amongst the many tents in the camp was a medium sized one that was off on the side with the symbol of the Hyuga Clan marked out front. The inside was devoid of any light as two figures lay asleep in comfortable silence beside each other. The sounds of footsteps could be heard coming closer and closer until the sound stopped just outside this exact tent.

"Ahem. Hanabi? Hanabi, are you there?" A voice whispered from the outside. Hanabi let out a soft groan and lazily rubbed her eyes as she looked down at Izaya's peaceful sleeping form. The voice outside the tent said once more, "Hanabi?"

Hanabi turned her head towards the front of the tent as she heard someone whisper once more so she slowly got off the mattress being extra careful not to wake Izaya. She draped a light blanket over her shoulders so as not to expose too much of her skin in her thin nightgown and poked her head outside the tent. "Yes?" She replied as she took note of the shinobi standing outside her tent. He had short brown hair, a chiseled face, bright green eyes, about the same age as Izaya, was 174cm tall and well built. Amongst the many shinobi in the Second Division this shinobi could be noted as one of the more handsome ones.

Hanabi widened her eyes in surprise as she recognized who it was. "Kai? What are you doing here?"

Over the past few days only half of the Second Division remained stationed in this area while the other half left to assist the First Division, therefore everyone at this camp had gotten to know each other pretty well. She and Kai had fought alongside together on more than one occasion and had become well acquainted.

Kai smiled as he stared at Hanabi with interest before replying, "Hey Hanabi! Were you sleeping just now? Sorry to wake you."

Hanabi shook her head, "It's alright. Did you need something?"

Kai stared at Hanabi a bit longer than normal causing her to raise her brow with impatience.

"Ahem. You look pretty tonight." He finally let out.

Hanabi furrowed her brow in annoyance. "Don't tell me that's why you woke me up." She responded with a frown as she thought back to a certain someone's peaceful sleeping form inside the tent and how it'd be much nicer to go back to that instead of standing here outside. Kai rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Er...Well, actually, since you're one of the platoon leaders Captain Kurotsuchi wanted you to come to the main tent. We just learnt that HQ was attacked last night and HQ hadn't set up an effective way to communicate to the other Divisions at that time so not much got accomplished. That's why the Captain is calling all the platoon leaders back to the main tent right now as HQ finally acquired the manpower to form a more stable means of communications. Since you and I are platoon leaders I thought we could go together."

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