Chapter 42: Moving Forward

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Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sounds of a cane tapping the floor resounded in the dimly lit hallway as Danzo walked through the area before coming to a stop and sighed to himself. "Hm. It appears he's not here either." He commented to no one in particular.


Torune appeared before Danzo at this moment and said, "Reporting Lord Danzo. There is no sign of Yakushi Kabuto. It appears he has not been in this base for quite awhile."

Danzo stared at Torune for a moment before replying,"Hm...I see. He most likely knows of my deep past connection with Orochimaru so he must also have data regarding the Sharingan and the Uchiha Clan. I need another eye to replace the one that I lost to Izaya." Danzo gritted his teeth and clenched his fist in anger at the thought of Izaya. Just thinking about Izaya made him angry beyond comparison. He never thought he could hate someone so much before. He lost so many of his elite Root members. He lost Shisui's eye to him. And he was removed from his position as an elder. What he couldn't understand was that even with the many preparations he prepared and the elite Anbu he sent, Izaya still survived whilst none of his Root members returned from that battle. This was completely unfathomable to him. If he reversed the role and put himself in that situation, even with the forbidden Izanagi technique which could grant him a total of 10 minutes of invincibility, his chances of survival against the onslaught of the Root members assigned the task would be extremely slim. He doubted whether he could have survived at all so he was baffled at the fact that not only did Izaya survive, but he had even successfully killed all the members he sent after him.


At this moment Yamanaka Fu arrived. He had miraculously survived the attack from Kimimaro way back then although he felt a lingering hint of fear at the ability Kimimaro had displayed and at how easily Kimimaro had incapacitated him. "Reporting Lord Danzo. Konoha was attacked by the Akatsuki leader known as Pain. He was defeated by the collective might of Tsunade, Hiruzen, Kakashi, Kimimaro, Naruto, Sasuke, and Izaya. The village was extensively damaged but miraculously none of the villagers had died. Tsunade was going to send a letter to call for a 5 Kage's summit meeting, however, it appears that the Fourth Raikage had already sent a letter out calling for a meeting first. Apparently not long before the attack on Konoha, the Village Hidden in the Clouds was attacked by two members of the Akatsuki. They were Hoshigaki Kisame and Momochi Zabuza. Two members of the seven ninja swordsmen of the mist. They nearly succeeded in capturing the Eight Tails, however, the Raikage was able to make it in time to save the Jinchuriki." Fu said finishing his report.

Danzo frowned. "Tsk. I knew Tsunade and Hiruzen were too soft. Even if none of the villagers died in that attack, to let such a disaster fall onto the Leaf village. They don't have what it takes to properly lead the village. It's unfortunate that Tsunade and Hiruzen didn't pass away in that attack. If they did I could return and convince Homura and Koharu to reinstate my position and lead the village as its Hokage." Danzo lamented.

"What are your orders Lord Danzo?" Torune asked.

"Hmpf. Sai has elected to betray me. He no longer sends me reports on the village and Uzumaki Naruto. It's a good thing that I placed a seal on his tongue preventing him from speaking about me. Let us return to our hideout for the time being while we wait for things to stir up a bit. I feel a change in the winds. Perhaps we will be dealt a better hand in the near future." Danzo replied.

"Yes." Torune and Fu responded as all three of them disappeared from the cave corridor.


"Sage Art Rasengan!" Naruto shouted as he dashed towards Haku. Haku jumped back and dashed to his side only to be surprised seeing more than 10 of Naruto's Shadow Clones. They quickly pounced on him prompting Haku to dodge left and right, up and down as he avoided punches, kicks, elbow jabs, and grapples. At this moment a Naruto appeared in the air above Haku and smashed a Rasengan into his back.

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