Chapter 16: Sound Ninja

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Huff...Huff...Huff...Huff. I continued to pant heavily as blood trickled down my mouth. I slowly laid down both Naruto and Sasuke on the ground in a secluded part of the forest that I spotted. Sakura landed next to me as she went straight to Sasuke. At this point he had already lost consciousness. I slowly sat down on the ground leaning my back against a tree as I clutched at my heart. Damn. Orochimaru and his summoned snakes sure pack a punch.

Just as Sakura was about to say something to me I stuck my hand out to stop her and said, "Wait. Let me catch my breath first." I then sat in the lotus position and straightened my back. I closed my eyes through my blindfold and focused on the Taijutsu breathing technique I developed a few months ago but never had the chance to teach Kimimaro. "Taijutsu Nine Dragons Breathing Technique!"

I then circulated the first breathing method. The surrounding energy in the air suddenly coalesced and flowed into my airway as it was slowly assimilated into my chakra pathway system and forced outwards into my body's cells reinvigorating them. I then let out one long and deep breath which had a tint of the color purple. Mn. This technique would be good for Kimimaro and Haku to learn. I have Hashirama's cells in me so even though I'm injured I'll be fully healed in a day or two.

This technique can speed up that process even more but I can only use it once a week and I can only perform the first breath right now. It's still incomplete but at least I can catch my breath now. And I still need to build up my chakra reserves again. I slowly meditated on the fight I had against Orochimaru. Mmmm...I definitely lost that fight. He either held back in that fight or couldn't use his true strength due to the limitations of his current host body. Then again I also didn't use my true strength either. I refrained from using the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, the Wood Style Yamato-sensei has taught me, and my Mangekyou Sharingan. For now only Haku, Kimimaro, and Yamato-sensei knows I can use Wood Style and he promised not to tell anyone except for Lord Third.

No one else knows I can use the Flying Thunder God Jutsu and activate the Mangekyou Sharingan except for Haku and Kimimaro. I don't want to reveal any of these three abilities of mine if I don't have to yet, especially the Mangekyou and Wood Style or I'd definitely be living a more strenuous life than I currently am. If I factor in these variables then I guess I didn't lose that badly I smirked. But, in terms of pure chakra output, Taijutsu prowess, or physical strength, I'm still outmatched by Orochimaru. I'll have to continue pushing my limits to increase my chakra output and after my battle with Orochimaru I have a good idea where my strength lies on the power spectrum. I then turned toward Sakura and said, "Okay, I'm done with my meditation. Go ahead, you had something you wanted to say?"

Sakura stared at me for a moment confused at what I just did to breathe out purple steam, but she snapped back to reality a moment later and said, "Thank you. Izaya-kun. You saved us and even got hurt while doing so. I'm...I'm worried about Sasuke and Naruto. Are they going to be alright? And what did that person do to Sasuke? What is this mark?"

"Haaaa….." I let out a drawn out sigh. "That person said his name was Orochimaru. From what I read in the history books Orochimaru is known as one of the three legendary sannin. He was originally a disciple of Lord Third Hokage before he defected and became a S-rank missing ninja."

"Eh? What? Why would someone like that be here? What does he want with Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked bewilderedly.

"Calm down. I'll try to answer you with what I know. The best thing you can do for both Naruto and Sasuke right now is not panic as you are their teammate. I might not be around next time. That means they have to rely on you. You need to be someone they can rely on. That means you need strength. You need to become stronger so you don't drag down your teammates."

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