Chapter 11: Accepting Missions

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The next day my alarm clock woke me up at 5am as per usual. I got up and did some stretches. Put on some loose exercise clothes and headed out for some light exercise. I did some basic shuriken and kunai throwing techniques as warm-up before increasing the difficulty. After throwing practice was Taijutsu practice. I went through some basic movements before slowly increasing the difficulty again. During the past 4 years I had placed a few of my Flying Thunder God markings in some pretty inconspicuous spots and discovered an area where Rock Lee would perform his Taijutsu training. Although Jiraiya calls spying on the ladies as "research," I do actual research.

In fact, most of the advanced techniques Haku, Kimimaro, and I learnt are thanks to my 4 years of "spying" on others and then recording them down. It was pretty easy thanks to my Flying Thunder God Jutsu, my Sharingan, and my innate sensor type ability. Easy maneuverability, perfect copying ability, and easy to detect or escape detection. If I had these skills in my past life I wouldn't have been shot.

After researching the Taijutsu movements of not only Lee, but Neji and many others, I drafted my own unique Taijutsu movements using the martial arts I learnt of my past life which I called Taijutsu Wushu Style and Shaolin Style and taught them to Haku and Kimimaro. While it is useful to Haku and I, Taijutsu would be the best suited for Kimimaro due to his physique and Kekkei Genkai. With Kimimaro's Kekkei Genkai he could produce extremely dangerous bone protrusions while performing advanced Taijutsu movements and at the same time his bones are as hard as steel, therefore, the burden on his body isn't as great as a normal person's.

I had hoped to record as much of the Eight Inner Gates Taijutsu movements as I possibly could and transcribe them down for Kimimaro to practice. Since the Eight Inner Gates puts a great strain on one's body, especially the bones, Kimimaro's steel-like bones would be able to mitigate the stress on his body and allow him to be a truly unrivaled existence regarding Taijutsu. Unfortunately I only ever had the chance to witness Lee perform the Eight Inner Gates twice in these past 4 years and he only ever activated the First Gate.

Anyways, it's no wonder Yamato-sensei was surprised yesterday at Kimimaro's display of Taijutsu, after all, he practically studied all of Konoha's young martial arts geniuses techniques albeit not directly. Yamato-sensei would of been even more surprised if Kimimaro had incorporated his Kekkei Genkai with his Taijutsu. I hope we don't end up shocking Yamato-sensei to death. He was already super shocked yesterday at pretty much everything we did. In fact, even I was shocked to see Haku perform double single hand weaving skills yesterday. He has truly been hiding some of his skills! Of course that's to be expected, after all, I'm not the only one working hard on improving myself.

I continued practicing my Taijutsu for another 45 minutes before taking a short rest. By now the sun had finally lit aglow the sky in a beautiful and peaceful orange/yellow hue signifying the start of day but still emphasizing how early it was. I activated the Flying Thunder God Jutsu and reappeared in my bedroom, showered and finished my morning daily cares as per usual. After getting dressed in my usual attire I checked the clock. 7am. I have 3 hours left before we have to meet sensei. I sat down on my bed and began my morning meditation.

"Hehehe...Hahaha!" Yamato chuckled softly to himself with a big smile. Kakashi looked up from his book as he stared dumbly at Yamato. "You seem happy. What's with you today?"

Yamato was inwardly elated. He had waited all morning for his senpai to ask. "Hahaha! Senpai, my precious students are what makes me happy!"

"Eh? Your students? So you did the bell test then?" Kakashi closed his book and focused his attention on Yamato.

He nodded and said, "Kakashi-senpai, I can see why Lord Third is so conscious of them and why he asked you to look out for them. They truly are very special. I indeed did the bell test like you had asked, although I wish I didn't."

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