Chapter 52: Third and Fourth Division

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War Recap:

First Division: Locked in battle by the sea against White Zetsu Army and reanimated shinobi.

Second Division: Hanabi and Kimimaro in Second Division. Kurotsuchi is Captain, Izaya is named Vice Captain.

Third Division: Kakashi, Haku, Guy, Sakura, and Sasuke in this division are currently facing off against the 7 Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist as well as Might Duy, Fugaku, and Tobirama.

Fourth Division: Gaara's company with the aid of Onoki are currently facing the former Kage and Jiraiya. Rasa has already been sealed.

Fifth Division: Aiding the First Division

Others: Hiruzen making his way to the Fourth Division. Itachi and Nagato have been sealed away. Naruto, Bee, Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo are traveling together.

Third Division

The night was long and cold as everyone was extremely tense, wary, and exhausted both mentally and physically. The reason? It was because the onslaught never stopped. Amongst the reanimated shinobi left were Uchiha Fugaku, Might Duy, Jinin Akebino, Kushimaru Kuriarare, Jinpachi Munashi, Ameyuri Ringo, and out of nowhere the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama. Haku stood with his back against Sasuke and Kakashi's at this moment waiting to see how the enemy was going to strike next. They kept up this formation all throughout the night as morning had finally rolled around the corner. Even with the warm touch of the sun's rays shining on the Third Division it did nothing to alleviate everyone's stress.

"Oi! Don't come too close to me! You might hinder my movement!"

"Hey, be quiet! What if the enemy hears and comes this way!"

"Save me...I don't want to be here any longer!"

"Maybe it'd be best if I just die now. End my suffering."

"Don't come over here, don't come over here, don't come over here."

Voices and whispers could be heard all around as the entire Third Division was on edge. Haku frowned noticing the tension rising amongst everyone and said, "Kakashi-senpai, we can't keep going on like this. Ever since Lord Second arrived on the battlefield the enemy has been attacking nonstop and they won't let the division members rest. It's already been 24 hours of no sleep and constant fighting. At this rate we'll defeat ourselves. I can still go on for a few more hours but even I'm starting to get weary and I have more stamina than most. I'm afraid most of the members in the division are already out of commission."

Kakashi frowned as he too realized this was a problem and said, "I know. I'm trying to think of a way to solve this problem. To stall Duy, Guy activated the 7th Gate and he has to rest after using up his power. Duy on the other hand can continue without rest as a reanimated shinobi. In order to ensure that we keep casualties to a minimum I take Guy's place to stall Duy after Guy's energy runs out, but that means I can't help the others fight against the four remaining members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. The Swordsmen easily utilize that moment of opportunity to deal massive damage to the alliance. And every time we dispel the mist one of them just activates it again. Even with numbers on our side it doesn't help much with how skilled our enemies are. Thanks to Sasuke he's been able to help counter Fugaku's use of Genjutsu against the alliance members. On top of that we need you, Haku, to keep Lord Second at bay as you are the most skilled Water Style ninja here and your Sage Mode can help you detect and defend against his Flying Thunder God Jutsu. The only reason why our division hasn't completely fallen apart yet is because Sakura has been keeping up her healing of the members, but I'm afraid at this rate Sakura won't be able to keep up and we'll start to fall apart. Sasuke, Haku, if either one of you have any ideas I'm all ears."

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