Chapter 5: Lord Third

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Puff...a plume of white smoke filled the air as the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen smoked his pipe. He flipped over some paperwork while relishing the taste of tobacco in his mouth.

Knock, Knock…

"Enter." He said with a deep and old voice as he gently placed the paperwork to the side and straightened his back in his chair awaiting his guest. From the other side of the door was heard a cough. "Ahem. Excuse me for disturbing you Lord Hokage."

The door to the Hokage's room opened to reveal a Jonin, Kotetsu Hagane, one of the guards to the entrance of Konoha.

"Oh, Kotetsu, what brings you here." Hiruzen asked.

As Kotetsu walked inside, Kimimaro, Haku, and myself followed suit. As it turns out, even though we were a bit nervous as to how things would go down, aside from the Konoha guards being a bit wary and asking a lot of questions, they ended up humoring our request and took us to see the Third Hokage.

Hiruzen gave a surprised look as he saw the three unfamiliar children walk in behind Kotetsu. Kotetsu cleared his throat before explaining the situation to the Third Hokage. "Lord Third, these three children claim that they fled from the country of water. They claim that they aren't affiliated with the village hidden in the mist." Kotetsu said.

Hiruzen had a pensive look on his face before speaking, "Hmmm...Even if they claim they are not affiliated with the village hidden in the mist it can't be denied that they were born in the country of water, therefore, they are rightful citizens of that country."

"Errr…." Kotetsu gave a sheepish look and rubbed the back of his neck before Hiruzen continued on. "Hahaha, alright, I don't want to make things difficult. Children, why don't you tell me your names. Why have you come so far to Konoha?" Hiruzen asked amiably. He then gave another puff of smoke from his pipe.

The three of us looked at each other before I stepped up to speak. "Greetings Lord Hokage, my name is Izaya. Karasuma Izaya. These two are my sworn brothers, Yuki Haku and Kaguya Kimimaro."

"Oh!" Hiruzen let out a surprised remark and also a look of deep contemplation. He stroked his beard as he spoke, "Yuki? I recall there was a famous Yuki clan in the land of water, however, I heard their clan was wiped out after the Kekkei Genkai war awhile back. And Kaguya...I was certain that I received news regarding the Kaguya clan. It waged war against the village hidden in the mist and they were exterminated not long ago…Forgive me, but I've not heard of the Karasuma clan or tribe."

Both Haku and Kimimaro flinched inwardly having their past brought up. Hiruzen seemed to notice this which inwardly confirmed his suspicion that these two were indeed of the famous Yuki and Kaguya clan he mentioned. He softened his expression after realizing that these two children in front of him were probably the last of their clan.

"Ahem. My apologies for bringing up such a dark part of history. It seems from your reaction that you both are surviving members of the Yuki and Kaguya clan. I'm sorry children such as yourselves had to go through something as terrible as a war like that." He then turned his attention towards me. "You said your name is Karasuma Izaya correct? I see that the three of you indeed have very close ties together and it appears that you are able to speak for both of your companions. Would you mind telling me why the three of you have come all this way?"

I turned my head at the Jonin, Kotetsu, who brought us in before turning back to face the Third Hokage. "I must first apologize Lord Third Hokage...Before I answer you might I be so bold to ask for an audience in private? This...concerns my life."

Hiruzen became more and more curious about these three children and before Kotetsu could protest, he said, "Very well. Kotetsu, why don't you bring Haku and Kimimaro and wait in the hallway while I speak to our young friend here."

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