Chapter 39: Pain's Arrival

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Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Haku walked around the gigantic hall of the underwater palace known as Ryuga-Jo. He stopped and stood before three creatures. One was a giant catfish called Namazu. One was a giant terrifying looking shark with a long tail and heavy spikes on the end. It was half the size of Namazu which was still incredibly large and it was a deep blue color with a white underbelly and many fins. The deadly narrow looking eyes and razor sharp teeth instilled fear to all that saw it. Its name was Isonade. The last was actually quite inconspicuous. Haku had to look twice to make sure that he wasn't seeing things. The last of the three guardians of the Ryuga-Jo Palace was a small and cute looking little orange octopus with big cute round eyes and was no larger than the palm of his hands. Its name was Koromodako. Mazu informed Haku that none of the three guardians cared for formalities so Haku elected to call Namazu as Mazu, Isonade as Nade, and Koromodako as Dako. Haku praised himself mentally as he thought, Mn, I have a knack for giving nicknames.

As he stared a bit longer at Daku, Mazu chimed in, "Oi, kid. Don't be fooled by Daku. He may look as small as your palm but the truth is he can grow to a size large enough to swallow even me."

"EEEHHH?!" Haku immediately exclaimed in shock. This little guy can grow as big to swallow Mazu? Mazu who is at least 25 meters tall and 40 meters long?

"Hahahaha! That's right. Fear me little human brat! Know of my awesome prowess!" Daku said in a small cute little voice.

"Don't be fooled by his voice either. He may sound cute now, but when he expands his body to a large form he sounds like the devil." Nade said in a deep and dark voice that sounded incredibly scary. Haku nodded as he mentally thought, but Nade sounds like the devil right now. And when he opens his mouth the bloody red inside and sharp razor teeth makes me shiver.

"Alright, enough banter. The kid is here to train and become stronger. Kid, tell me, have you ever heard of Sage Mode?" Mazu asked.

Ah? Isn't Sage Mode what Naruto is going to go learn right now at Mount Myoboku? And it is also the technique of Lord Jiraiya. Haku stared Mazu in the eyes as he said, "Yes. I have heard of Sage Mode."

"Mn. Sage Mode is the ability to sense, absorb, and assimilate the natural energy of the world into your body to grant you extra strength. Strength that your body normally does not have. It is a different type of energy and is more pure than your own chakra. While there are many different types of Sage Mode depending on where you're learning from what I just explained is the most basic application of it. We'll start by training you how to use basic Sage Mode but that isn't our final goal." Mazu said.

"Eh? It's not? Then what is the final goal?" Haku asked.

"Hahahaha! The end goal is to teach you how to activate Heavenly Sage Mode." Mazu laughed and answered seriously.

"Heavenly Sage Mode? What is that?" Haku asked.

"Well...It is a technique taught to us by the great Ocean Dragon Sage. The ruler of the Ryuga-Jo Palace. Heavenly Ocean Sage Owatatsumi is his official name and title. He knows much more than we do, but he currently doesn't wish to interfere with these matters at the moment and has also given us the go ahead to teach you." Daku replied.

"If Sage Mode is the power to absorb and apply the natural energy in the world around you then Heavenly Sage Mode is the power to absorb and apply the energy of the Heavens." Nade informed.

"The energy of the Heavens?" Haku was even more confused now.

"Well, forget about it for right now kid. There's no use explaining to you about Heavenly energy when you haven't even learnt how to absorb worldly energy as a normal Sage. We'll work on that first. Are you ready to begin?" Mazu asked.

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