Chapter 31: Back in Konoha

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I stretched my arms and back as I switched out of my Anbu gear into regular clothes and waited for Haku and Kimimaro to finish. I thought about Naruto and his entourage and wondered if I should help them out but decided against it. They should be fine chasing Sai to Orochimaru's base. He should get to reunite with Sasuke for a bit. After my talk with Itachi, I have a better feeling of the outcome this time.

"We're finally back big brother." Haku said as he stared out at the village.

"Mn. It has been awhile. It seems quite peaceful here. On the surface at least." Kimimaro commented as he recalled Danzo and his organization Root. I turned to look at Kimimaro as I recalled the memory of Haku and I rejoicing the day he was finally cured and could rejoin our team. I smiled as I looked at our clothes and said, "Oi. Let's go see Mito-san. I'm sure she received our letter that we sent her not too long ago before we came back. Our clothes are probably finished so we should go pick them up and change."

"Mn, then let's go there first." Haku replied with a smile. The three of us walked over to Mito's store. Essential gear and wear tailor. It's the same as always I breathed out with relief as we all walked in. As Mito heard the bell of the door open she turned and said, "Welcome! AH?" She automatically knew who these three kids were. Well it would be more appropriate to call them young adults now. They weren't those three little kids who waltzed into her store all those years ago. Even though they grew up she would never forget their distinct features. One still wore a blindfold, one still had those distinguished two red dots on his forehead, and the other was still too pretty. "You three kids! Come over here and let me have a good look at you! Jeez it's been so many years. You don't know how surprised I was when I got your letter about tailoring you some clothes."

"Miss Mito-san!" The three of us walked over and bowed respectfully. She just smiled as she gave us all a good look. My have they grown she thought. "My my, Izaya-kun. You've grown. 178cm tall now eh? It's good that all of you added your dimensions in the letter or the clothes I made wouldn't fit. Kimimaro, 181cm. Haku, 164cm. Mn, you've all grown into fine young gentlemen. I have your clothes in the back. Go put them on." Mito said amiably.

"Mn." We all nodded as we went to the back. Haku grabbed his outfit and put it on. He had a hooded navy blue cloak with snow white fur on the borders with the length reaching just pass his knees. There were white snowflake images printed on the back of the cloak. He wore an unbuttoned navy blue coat with the sleeves reaching his elbows and navy blue arm braces. He wore a white shirt underneath and navy blue pants with the same color greaves. He had one ninja tool pack on his right hip and another on his left. His Leaf headband was worn on his forehead. He let his front bangs hang on the side of his face like he normally did but instead of tying the back of his hair up in a bun, he cut it so it was three inches below shoulder length and tied it in a similar fashion to Itachi's hair style.

Kimimaro wore a white capris pants with a light purple cloth that reached his knee length and had a ripped and torn texture around the bottom. He also wore an open chested white haori with purple flower patterns and a purple rope tying it in place by his waist. There were three sharp bones hanging on the front right side and the front left side of the rope. His Leaf headband was hung on the left side of the rope while a Flying Thunder God kunai was hung on the right side of the rope. He continued to sport the same hairstyle as he normally did.

As for me, I wore a hooded black cloak with 9 white tomoe patterns printed on the back. I wore a white dress shirt with black buttons with the sleeves rolled back before my elbows. The shirt was only buttoned up to the chest area leaving the neck area opened. I donned a black pants with a black belt and a ninja tool bag on my right hip. I wore a necklace with a small Flying Thunder God kunai ornament and five black rings with white characters for the nature elements inscribed on them on my fingers. A black ring inscribed earth on my left pinky, a ring inscribed water on my left ring finger, a ring inscribed wind on my left index finger, a ring inscribed fire on my right index finger, and a ring inscribed lightning on my right ring finger. My Leaf headband was tied to my upper left thigh. I sported a two-block haircut style with my front bangs at eye level. I placed my black blindfold on and walked out with Haku and Kimimaro from the changing rooms. "Thank you Mito-san!" The three of us bowed respectfully.

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