Chapter 3: Kaguya Clan

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It's been a year since Haku and I have teamed up together and we've been traveling around the land of water gathering information and materials for training when and wherever we can. With the spare money I had from last time we were able to get Haku a new set of clothes and with how unruly and unstable the land of mist is, robbing a few highway bandits and thugs didn't make us feel the least bit guilty.

After this past year our relationship has definitely improved and we don't just silently stare at one another with awkward silence.

"Where are we going this time?" Haku asked.

"We're going to a place where the Kaguya clan used to be, then we'll leave Kirigakure." I replied.

"Kaguya clan? What kind of clan is it?"

" was a brutal clan that believed in killing each other to become stronger."

"Eh, why are we going there big bro? Wouldn't it be pretty dangerous then? It'd be safer to leave from another access point. And what do you mean by used to be? Does that mean it's not there anymore?"

I inwardly smirked. This past year, as our relationship got better Haku started calling me big bro. We also revealed some secrets to each other such as what happened to Haku in his past and how he can use the Ice Release Kekkei Genkai whilst I told him that I'm not actually blind, but was an experimental subject of Orochimaru and had the sharingan planted in my eyes, hence the blindfold.

We continued our conversation while running side by side through a valley.

"Remember when we heard that a clan was wiped out recently because it attacked the hidden mist village?"

Haku nodded and replied, "Yeah I remember. So that Kaguya clan was the one behind that incident?"

I nodded. "We're going to take a look at the aftermath and see if there's any opportunity to get stronger. If we don't have any fruitful harvests then we'll leave for the land of fire and search for Konoha, the village hidden in the leaves. I hear they have a stable economy and that it's relatively safer there than the other villages."

Haku nodded and said, "Okay, I'll follow wherever you go big brother."

I sighed inwardly. I can't possibly tell him that I already know there's someone named Kimimaro, who's a kid like him and I and that the real purpose in us going there is to recruit him. We travelled on for a few more hours before stopping to rest in a well concealed area. "We'll rest here for tonight." I said as I gave the area a quick sweep with my senses.

Haku slowly took a glance over the area before saying, "Okay, how much further do you think we have to go?"

I gave a thoughtful look before replying, "We passed by the main river not too long ago so a days travel at most."

Haku nodded before taking out a few target practice papers and stuck them to the surrounding trees. He then proceeded to take out some senbon needles and practiced throwing them to hit their marks. Since we didn't have anyone to properly guide us and since our access to resources were limited, the techniques, skills, and tools we did have were all obtained from our experiences fighting thugs and bandits on the road. I offered my advice every now and then to Haku as I had plenty of combat experience in my previous life. The main difference is having to adapt to the use of chakra which allows for more versatility and power in battle.

I started practicing my tree climbing exercise by gathering chakra at my foot and keeping a stable control of it there to allow me to walk up the tree and hang upside down. When I had first started practicing this technique it took me multiple trial and errors before getting it right since I didn't have an instructor to guide me. Luckily I'm a sensory type and have the sharingan so it helps me see and understand the flow of chakra better than others.

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