Chapter 45: Before the War

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A warm breeze passed through the forest as the leaves and grass swayed in the wind. The sun had already begun to set when a dense cluster of bushes began to rustle revealing a disheveled figure who dragged a dead body along behind him. "Ugh. How long has it been since Izaya used this marker of his? The bushes and grass have grown out of control in this area." Sasuke grumbled to himself as he pulled Danzo's dead body out of the thick and entangled bushes. Sasuke bit his thumb and let some blood leak out before forming the hand signs of Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, Ram and said, "Summoning Jutsu!" A giant white cloud of smoke appeared and dissipated revealing a giant brown Hawk called Garuda. It gave a loud and proud screech before folding in its wings and bending down allowing Sasuke to jump on its back with Danzo's corpse. Not a moment later Garuda spread its wings and flew into the air towards Konoha.

Sasuke looked down from above as he saw the lush green color of the trees below. The blue cool rivers flowing throughout the land. The cool breeze high in the air and the gentle and warm feeling that the orange, yellow, and red colored sun painted in the sky. His expression softened as he took everything in before him as one thought crossed his mind, so this is the Land of Fire. This is the territory of the Hidden Leaf. This is all a part of what big brother Itachi sacrificed his life for.

It wasn't long until the village came into view. The signature image of the Hokage stone faces on the cliffside and the rapidly progressing reconstruction of the village's buildings after Pain's attack. After Garuda circled above in the air around the semi-constructed Hokage's building it landed on the flat rooftop. He picked up Danzo and went to Hiruzen's quarters.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Sasuke walked through the well lit hallway that gave off a glow of warmth. He would of felt comfortable walking down the hallway if it wasn't filled with the strong scent of tobacco everywhere. The second he opened the door to Hiruzen's room he heard him say, "Sasuke." Sasuke closed the door behind him as he carried Danzo's lifeless corpse over his shoulder and saw Hiruzen's eyes widened in shock. Without caring for much else Sasuke dropped Danzo's body on the floor with a plop and said, "Danzo's finally dead."

Hiruzen let out a long sigh as he closed his eyes lamenting Danzo's fate. Even if he had agreed that Danzo should be found and turned into Konoha dead or alive, he had, after all, grew up with Danzo when they were young. No matter how dark and extreme Danzo's actions were, he still lamented Danzo's death in the end. Hiruzen opened his eyes and replied, "I see. Did Izaya return with you?" Sasuke shook his head and responded, "Izaya had something he needed to do so he sent me ahead. He told me that if I was ready to transplant Itachi's eyes then to speak to you."

Hiruzen remained silent for a minute as he took in what Sasuke said and also took in the sight of Danzo's lifeless corpse once more before saying, "Yes. Please allow me to take care of Danzo's body first. I will then proceed to help you with transplanting Itachi's eyes. I've heard from Izaya already about the matter."

Sasuke nodded. "Fine."

Just as Sasuke was about to head out the door, he paused. "I've already learnt the entire truth from Itachi. But...Just once more, I need to hear it from someone else. Is it true...Everything about Itachi? The coup d'etat? The massacre? Danzo's order? My life being spared?"

Hiruzen stared at Sasuke's back for a moment in silence before nodding his head and said with sorrow, "Yes. It is true."

"I see..." Sasuke said as he took a moment to commit to memory Hiruzen's affirmation of the truth before disappearing from Hiruzen's office.


Naruto walked through the Konoha cemetery as he stopped before Jiraiya's memorialized grave. He bent down and placed a bouquet of flowers next to it as he stood there in silence for a while before speaking. "Jiraiya-sensei… I'm not too sure what I'm supposed to do now, but I won't stop searching for the answers. Old toad Fugasaka said that you left everything to me. That you entrusted me with the things you weren't able to accomplish in this life. He said that you believed in me. I trained hard and learnt how to use Sage Mode. Fugasaka said I was better at it than you since I don't look like a frog after." Naruto smiled as he recalled the things Fugasaka told him and recalled the face of his loving master.

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