Chapter 18: Preliminary Rounds

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"B-Big brother!" Haku ran and squeezed me in a tight hug. Kimimaro also surprisingly gave me a hug as well, although it was a bit of an awkward hug. "Ugh!" I groaned as they pressed against my arm splint. Hearing my cry of pain both Haku and Kimimaro stepped back and took a good look at me.

Ripped cloak, torn pants, disheveled hair, blood stains, and a right arm splint.

"Ah?!" Haku exclaimed in shock. "Wh-What happened? Did Orochimaru do this to you? That's it I'm really going to go kill him right now!"

I quickly stepped forward and grabbed Haku by the shoulder holding him in place. "Oi oi. At least let me explain first." I lightly chuckled. Kimimaro just narrowed his eyes with his arms crossed as he waited for me to explain.

"Fine!" Haku conceded.

"Ahem. First off, Orochimaru did not do this to me. By the time I got to Team 7 they had already fought. Orochimaru had injured Team 7 and left a special Cursed Seal Mark on Sasuke. I fought with Orochimaru and lured him away from Team 7. That guy was a really tough nut to crack." I lamented as I recalled our battle. I let out a long sigh before continuing. "Anyways, after luring him away and recognizing that I was outmatched I tricked him and successfully escaped. Don't worry, I only incurred some minor physical and internal wounds from my battle with him. The worst part of my battle with him was the large amount of chakra I was forced to expend. Once I escaped I brought Team 7 away to a safer location. Unfortunately we were discovered by those Sound ninja guys from the first exam. With not enough chakra to spend I could only utilize Taijutsu. I ended up having to use the Eight Extreme Fists technique which is why my arm is currently how it is. So really most of the damage you see is self inflicted."

"AH!" Both Kimimaro and Haku exclaimed in shock.

"But that technique is not yet complete! And your body isn't tempered enough yet to withstand the burden of that overbearing skill!" Kimimaro yelled out.

I put my left hand up guiltily and said, "I know I know. I even told you not to use it. I've only formulated the 8th Fist and the 7th Fist for now and even then it isn't perfect yet, which is why my arm ended up as it did. But don't worry, I know their power and I know my limits. Even though my bones shattered from using it I suppose Orochimaru does deserve some credit for the attention and care he put in my body. My body is healing rather quickly. After about two weeks my right arm will be good as new."

Haku merely massaged his eyes in frustration clearly unhappy with the scene of events. "Anyways after that-" I started when Haku cut in and said, "There's MORE?! Weren't you ONLY supposed to fight Orochimaru? Why did you end up having to fight those Sound ninja guys and now you're telling us there's more? I knew we shouldn't of separated!"

"Ah..haha…" I laughed embarrassingly. Ugh. This separation was supposed to help them get used to developing their own path and not rely on me. In the end it seems like it might of had the opposite effect I inwardly lamented. "Alright. I concede this time. Just know that what I said before we separated holds true. Some paths we must walk on our own. I know you hate looking at my disheveled and beaten up appearance and I would also be frustrated if I saw the both of you in the same state, but I would also respect your wishes and help you along your path. Understand? Even though I look beaten up I'm still alive and well. Now after this experience I have gained a lot of insight from it and have taken another step towards my own ninja way. I want you both to be able to develop your own ninja way too okay?" I said with a soft expression and smile.

Sigh. "Okay. I understand big brother. I'm just glad you're here now." Haku said in defeat. Kimimaro remained silent for a moment before saying, "Very well. I shall accept your wish. However, that doesn't lessen my rage or intent to kill Orochimaru."

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