Chapter 10: Yamato-sensei

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Swish! The moment sensei said start the three of us jumped into a triangle entrapment formation with sensei in the middle. Yamato's eyelid raised up in surprise. Oh? Instead of concealing themselves they went straight for a battle formation? The first step when on a mission is usually being able to conceal yourself. Either they forgot or they're overly confident. Yamato was surprised once more by our next action.

Haku held three senbon needles in his left hand and three in his right and threw them in a large arc towards sensei. I performed a similar feat throwing six shuriken in a wide arc towards sensei.

MMM! Yamato exclaimed in surprise. This will cut off my escape route. Leaves me with only three options. Jump in the air to dodge leaving me vulnerable, hide underground, or run straight ahead towards Kimimaro. Yamato then looked straight on and dashed quickly towards Kimimaro. To his surprise Kimimaro also chose this moment to dash towards him.

He's planning to fight me in close quarters Yamato thought. While Yamato and Kimimaro dashed towards each other the senbon needles and shuriken collided into one another. Haku threw out two more senbon needles while I threw out two more shuriken.

Kimimaro punched with his right fist only for Yamato to block it with his left hand. Yamato threw a right hook while Kimimaro ducked and pushed out with a palm strike to Yamato's groin area. Yamato jumped back while Kimimaro gave chase. They exchanged a few dozens more moves before Yamato threw out a left straight punch only for it to be caught by Kimimaro in a tight hold.

Eh? Yamato exclaimed, why did he choose this moment to hold onto my arm so tightly, it'll leave him vulnerable for my next attack. At this moment Yamato felt a sense of danger behind him. He quickly used his free hand to disarm Kimimaro's grapple and kicked upwards forcing Kimimaro to jump to the side as he jumped to his left.

Just as Yamato dodged to his left two senbon needles and two shuriken flew pass the spot he was just at. Before he could process what had happened Haku dashed over with a flying back kick towards Yamato's head. Just as he ducked to dodge Haku's attack he heard Kimimaro say, "Earth Style Bottomless Swamp Jutsu!"

"Crap!" Yamato exclaimed. Although he successfully dodged Haku's flying kick attack his feet were stuck and he was quickly sinking down into a mud swamp. I quickly used this opportunity and threw a shuriken at sensei then said, "Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!" One shuriken quickly became 10.

Alarmed Yamato quickly said, "Wood Style Wood Wall Jutsu!" A large wooden wall appeared just in time to block the barrage of shuriken. He then formed a hand seal and said, "Wood Style Wood Vine Jutsu!" A large branch of wood grew out from the wooden wall and pulled Yamato out of the sinking mud.

Haku finally landed at this moment from his earlier sneak attack and took a senbon needle out throwing it towards Yamato which hit him in the neck, but a second later it turned into a log.

Yamato stood hidden on a tree branch nearby with cold sweat dripping down his head as he stared at the spot he was just at. Luckily I used the Substitution Jutsu just in time. Damn you Kakashi-senpai, what the heck have you gotten me into. These three kids are better than I thought.

The moment sensei disappeared I sensed his location in a treetop nearby. I took out a shuriken and threw it in that direction as I shouted to Haku and Kimimaro, "Over there!"

Eh? He found me Yamato exclaimed mentally. He suddenly recalled that in the profile he read, this one named Izaya was a sensory type ninja. He quickly took out his own kunai and jumped out of the tree expertly deflecting the shuriken. At this moment Haku also threw out a senbon needle at Yamato who responded by throwing out his kunai in his hand to block it.

"Let;s see what else you guys got." Yamato said. He formed a few hand signs and said, "Wood Style Wood Cage Lock Jutsu!"

The moment I sensed sensei gathering chakra I jumped as quickly as I could off to my right side. Soon after a wooden cage appeared where I was standing only to capture nothing. Haku had also noticed something amiss and with his speed and agility, quickly jumped up in the air and did a backflip out of the wooden cages grasp, however, Kimimaro remained ensnared by the cage.

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