Chapter 24: Training Haku

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Haku and I sat on the grass as we waited for Hiruzen-sensei to arrive at training ground 3 as per his instructions that he gave me a few days ago. "I wonder how Maro's learning session with Hiruzen-sensei went these past few days." Haku commented aloud.

"Well, only Kimimaro and Hiruzen-sensei will know about that. We can always ask when we drop by for a visit at the hospital." I replied.


A white cloud of smoke appeared in front of us before clearing away and revealing Hiruzen-sensei in his battle outfit. Eh? Haku and I looked on curiously. Don't tell me he's planning to fight us? We both thought. Haku and I stood up and saluted Hiruzen-sensei.

"Mn. You both are early, that's good." He said in his aged voice.

"Hiruzen-sensei, what kind of training are we doing today?" Haku asked.

"Hahaha, well you both are quite skilled already but I do have some ideas on how to help you both improve. First off, Izaya-kun. These are the scrolls that you were studying in my office that day. Since I am here I decided it would be alright to bring them out and let you take a look. I want you to continue studying these and learn as much as you can from them. Remember, if you happen to no longer need one you can go ahead and destroy it. You do this while I instruct Haku."

"Mn." I nodded my head as I took the scrolls from Hiruzen-sensei. I sat down in the lotus position and started studying the scrolls from where I left off.

"Then, what kind of training are we doing sensei?" Haku asked.

"Mn. You and Izaya are not really lacking in techniques, but rather a sufficient way to increase your chakra pool and testing out battle tactics. The best way to increase both is by pushing yourself beyond your limit and gaining sufficient experience. What better way to do so then to spar against me?" Hiruzen said.

"Ah?" Haku exclaimed in surprise. Indeed he had the same thought before, but that was sparring against his big brother not Lord Third. Although he sparred against Lord Third before that was together with both Kimimaro and Izaya, not by himself. Hiruzen walked a fair distance away and then said, "Haku, I've noticed that you've never really been placed in a situation where you were forced to truly show your real strength. You rarely need to activate your Kekkei Genkai to help you fight because you have such excellent brothers to back you up, however, this time it will only be you and I fighting each other. It is good for you to hide your true strength, but if you do that too often then it is also a bad thing since you won't have as much experience using it in battle. Once your chakra pool increases it should be fine for you to use your Kekkei Genkai more often because you would have gained sufficient strength to help protect yourself by then. For any opponent who might wish to target you due to your possession of a Kekkei Genkai, they will have to think twice about the consequences."

Haku was silent for a moment as he gave it some serious thought. Hiruzen-sensei is right. While I've practiced on my own to use my Kekkei Genkai skills I'm not sure how effective they are since I've never used them in a true fight. Very well, then since I have a Kekkei Genkai I will use it, he thought to himself. Haku walked to the battlefield and got in a battle stance.

"We will stop when I deem our training over." Hiruzen said. "Begin."

Haku dashed forward at an incredible speed with two senbon needles in his right hand. He threw it out with great velocity but Hiruzen blocked them with his own shuriken. Hiruzen jumped in the air and threw an axe kick towards Haku who dodged to the side and threw a roundhouse kick. Hiruzen blocked with both arms up and kicked with his right leg at Haku's leg that was planted on the ground. Haku grabbed two senbon needles with his left hand and stabbed towards Hiruzen's incoming leg prompting him to pull it back and jump away from Haku. Haku threw his needles only for Hiruzen to parry them with a kunai in hand. He threw the kunai and weaved the signs of Ox, Dog, Dragon, Rat, Dog, Boar, Snake, Tiger and said, "Kunai Shadow Clone Jutsu!" More than 30 kunai flew towards Haku at incredible speeds.

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