Chapter 46: Muramasa

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"Oi, watch where you're going…"

"Hey, long time no see, how've you been?..."

"So the war will begin soon huh?..."

"Hey, what division are you in?..."

Countless voices could be heard at this moment as a gathering of approximately 80,000 shinobi and samurai mixed together gearing up for war standing by in their respective divisions. Haku roamed around for a bit until he saw Hanabi, Neji, Hinata, and Kimimaro about to get in line to obtain their new Allied Shinobi Forces forehead protectors. Haku ran up to them waving his hands and said, "Hanabi, Neji, Hinata, Maro!" They all turned to see Haku and waved back.

Kimimaro spoke up first as he said, "Haku! How did your training at Ryuga-Jo Palace go?"

Haku rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Eh...Mazu says I'm making great progress but I still have a long way to go."

"If Mazu says so then it must be true." Kimimaro replied.

Hanabi tilted her head in confusion and asked, "Who's Mazu?"

"My summoning partner and friend." Haku replied with a smile.

Neji listened to their conversation before finding an opening to join in the conversation and asked, "What division were you placed in Haku?"

"Third Division under Kakashi-senpai. The short and mid range battle unit."

Hanabi nodded in approval. "That makes sense. To be part of that division you have to have abilities that allow you to move quickly in both short and mid range combat and that division is made up of shinobi who excel in agility and speed."

Haku nodded as he looked at Hanabi with a bit of confusion. "Umm...By the way Hanabi, what are you doing here? Aren't you the next head of the Hyuga Clan? I thought your father would protest to you being here."

Hanabi was silent for a moment before glancing at Neji and Hinata saying, "My elder sister Hinata and cousin Neji are heading to the battlefield. Why should I be the only one not joining? There are things precious to me that I also wish to protect. My family, my friends, my country, my home, I know everyone here is a capable shinobi but I am as well. There's no reason for them to risk their lives for me when I am also capable of helping to defend our world. This is me taking fate into my own hands. I will protect the things precious to me with my own two fists. Besides, I'm not that much younger than you guys and I'm also quite strong you know."

Kimimaro nodded his head and said, "It's true. She has improved rapidly and has become quite strong now. Although, I don't think Izaya would be very happy that you're going to the front lines."

Neji commented next. "I don't know what kind of training you put my cousin through but she has indeed become strong. Her strength is an asset to our division and since this war concerns the fate of the world the clan Head Hiashi couldn't refuse her participation."

Hinata looked around before saying, "Um, where's Izaya-kun?"

Haku looked around confused as well. "Big brother didn't come back yet? Does he not know that the war is about to begin?"

Hanabi's heart sped up as she was hoping to ask Haku if he heard from Izaya, but from what she just heard it seemed like even Haku didn't know where he went. Kimimaro noticed the distraught look on Hanabi's face so he said, "We don't need to worry about Izaya. Remember all those years ago in the Forest of Death during the Chunin exams. Haku and I were extremely worried for Izaya's safety but in the end he returned to us. I'm sure he'll show up sooner or later."

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