Chapter 27: Creating a New Jutsu

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Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Say that again." Tsunade said as she tapped her fingers on her desk. Shikamaru and I just looked at each other as we both had the same thought. What a pain. We've told her three times already what the situation was. As co-joint captains of the group that set out to bring Sasuke back we had to report on the details of what happened. She seemed to accept everything we said until she heard my report on Orochimaru. I cleared my throat as I once again was about to go over the details of my encounter with Orochimaru. "Ahem. Orochimaru interfered in our mission. They did something to Sasuke which allowed him to assimilate the power of the Curse Mark. Sasuke ran off as Naruto chased him. I remained behind to stall Orochimaru. After he and I fought we felt a powerful discharge of chakra which was probably Sasuke and Naruto's doing. He left soon after and I went to the site of their battle. I recovered Naruto and we returned here to Konoha."

"Hm. Damn that Orochimaru." Tsunade cursed. She rubbed the temples of her forehead and said, "Alright. As you both were appointed captains for this mission you both are held responsible for what happens on the mission. While the mission failed I suppose it can't be helped this time. I didn't expect Orochimaru to return near the borders of Konoha so soon after what he pulled. No one was majorly hurt this time, remarkably. Only Naruto sustained some heavy injuries and is in recovery. I'm actually most impressed that you didn't sustain any injuries Izaya. You fought Orochimaru. I seriously wonder how you pulled that off, but good job. You are dismissed."

"Yes." Shikamaru and I bowed respectfully as we walked out the door.

"Man that was a pain." Shikamaru said.

"Well, it can't be helped. This did concern Orochimaru after all." I replied as we both left the Hokage's office. As we continued to walk down the same road Shikamaru turned to me and said, "You going to the same place I'm going?"

"I'm going to the hospital to visit Naruto. If that's where you're going then yes, I would be going to the same place you are." I replied.

"Hahaha, I guess so. Hey, I want to thank you for your support on the mission. If it was just me alone as the team lead things would have turned out a lot worse." Shikamaru said as we finally entered the hospital. I shook my head and said, "Truth is we're just lucky. If Orochimaru had decided to stick around and fight me for real I might have been incapacitated. That guy is truly hard to kill. You should also have a bit more faith in your own leadership skills."

We opened the door to Naruto's room to find that he was already awake albeit wrapped up like a mummy. "Yo, Naruto." Shikamaru said.

"Oh! Shikamaru. Izaya. What are you guys doing here?" Naruto replied.

"To visit you. How are you holding up?" Shikamaru asked.

"Mn. Better. I should be good to go in a week, maybe sooner-dattebayo." He replied.

"Mn. It does seem that way." I said. Sakura and Tsunade came to visit him soon after, but the situation turned a bit more depressing as the topic of Sasuke came up. Shikamaru and I decided it wasn't our place to bother with their team matters so we left. I went to visit Kimimaro since I was already here in the hospital.

"Izaya! What are you doing here so late?" Kimimaro asked.

"Just thought I'd drop by to see how you were. Is the treatment going well?" I asked. Before Kimimaro could answer we heard a voice from right by the door. "Of course it's going well! Who do you think is performing the treatment." Said a loud and unruly voice.

EH! I knew who it was immediately. "Ahem. I didn't mean any disrespect Lord Fifth."

"Hahahaha! Of course I know that. I was just teasing you. Anyways, I came here to start Kimimaro's evening treatment since Naruto seems to be doing just fine. Everything's been going well so he should be as good as new in a few months." She said.

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