Chapter 59: Otsutsuki Kaguya

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War Recap:

Madara has just activated the Infinite Tsukuyomi!

As I fell back down to the ground I took note of Madara's Rinne Sharingan being reflected off of the moon.

"Damn it!" I cursed aloud as the light from the moon began to shine down upon the entire world. I looked over to where Sasuke, Naruto, Haku, and Kimimaro were gathered as Sasuke's Perfect Susanoo quickly shielded them from the light of the Infinite Tsukuyomi. I gritted my teeth in frustration as the image of Hanabi surfaced in my mind. I'm sorry Hanabi. Just hang in there for a little while longer. Before I could succumb to the effects of the Infinite Tsukuyomi I quickly teleported to Sasuke's side safely inside of his Perfect Susanoo.

Sasuke turned to look at my disheveled form and commented, "You made it."

Naruto quickly chimed in, "What's going on? We've got to stop Madara! Sasuke, let us out!"

Sasuke shook his head. "No. Madara activated the Infinite Tsukuyomi. The light from his Jutsu can penetrate through all shadows and objects. Everyone in the outside world is currently being placed under his Genjutsu. Only the power of my Rinnegan can counter his Jutsu. Naruto, I know you met with the Sage of Six Paths and received a portion of his power. You wield half of his Sealing Jutsu and I wield the other half. If you or I are defeated then that'll truly be the end of the world. So for now just sit tight. We have to wait for Madara's Jutsu to pass before we can re-engage him."

Naruto gritted his teeth in frustration but said no more. I also clenched my fist in anxiousness as I thought, damn! The final step to reviving Kaguya has been completed. With the Infinite Tsukuyomi in place everyone will be ensnared by the Divine: Deep Forest Emergence technique. The only missing link is Black Zetsu who only needs to facilitate Kaguya's return by sacrificing Madara. And we're all just sitting ducks here.

Haku started pacing back and forth as he said, "There has to be something we can do right? We can't just sit around here and wait as everyone gets trapped in Madara's Jutsu do we?"

I let out a frustrated sigh as I took a seat on the ground. "Unfortunately we can't do anything right now. Only the power of the Rinnegan can resist the light of the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Which means only Sasuke can move about freely to fight against Madara, but we need Sasuke's Susanoo to remain and shield us from the light. Especially Naruto since Naruto is crucial to defeating Madara. The only thing we can do right now is rest and recover as much strength as we can so we can be prepared to face Madara once his Jutsu passes."

Everyone frowned at how powerless we all were at that moment but began to focus on recovering as much strength as we could.

Madara stared down at the world and smiled at his success only to be surprised when he saw Sasuke's Susanoo acting as a protective shield against his Jutsu. "Oh? The light of the Infinite Tsukuyomi can't penetrate through Sasuke's Susanoo? Is it because he possesses the Rinnegan as well?"

The seconds turned into minutes and minutes into hours. The five of us sat in complete and utter silence in the dark as we waited and waited and waited until finally, Sasuke stood up. "Get ready. The time limit of his Jutsu is about to end."

We all nodded and prepared to re-engage in a fierce battle. The light from the moon slowly became dimmer and dimmer and dimmer until finally, the light of the Infinite Tsukuyomi ceased. No later than the moment that the last light of the Jutsu dissipated did Sasuke release his Susanoo and the five of us prepared to charge towards Madara.

Madara smirked in amusement as he floated back down to the ground in the distance and commented, "You five are quite troublesome. But there are only five of you left in the world. I, the savior of this world shall be the one to dispose of you."

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