Chapter 34: Killing Izaya

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Ting! Ting! Fwish! Zwang!

Ten kunai soared past my head as I quickly ducked and jumped to my side dodging another three shuriken successfully. I held my special kunai in my right hand and successfully parried two kunai thrown straight at me as I jumped on the tree trunk to my right dodging another kunai aimed at my neck. A Root Anbu jumped down from the tree top above me and slashed with his sword prompting me to deflect his attack with my special kunai and spun my body at the same time ending up behind him successfully piercing my kunai into his neck killing him. As he was falling to the ground I grabbed his body and used it as a shield blocking twenty shuriken flying at me. Put Put Put!

After blocking the barrage of shuriken I threw my special kunai in the direction of the attack, however I was forced to jump to my left and up a tree top as a blast of Wind Ninjutsu destroyed the area I was just at. Two Anbu appeared from the shadows of the trees wielding a kunai in their hands. One stabbed with his right hand and the other swept at my feet. I jumped to dodge the sweep and grabbed onto the others hand. Holding tightly onto the Anbu's arm I threw a powerful air kick into his face using the force of the recoil to jump out of the other Anbu's reach. As I landed on another branch three Anbu rushed at me with their swords. I sidestepped two blades, dropped a paper bomb, and flew to the special kunai I threw earlier before the third blade could reach me. Not a moment later the bomb went off causing heavy damage to those Anbu.

As I grabbed my special kunai three Anbu trapped me in their encirclement and unleashed a combination of Wind, Fire, and Lighting Ninjutsu. I quickly jumped into the air to dodge their attack only to be met with three Anbu in the air above me stabbing downwards with their swords. I twisted my body and threw my special kunai to a tree in the distance. Just as the swords were about to pierce me I disappeared and reappeared next to my kunai. I took a deep breath as I thought, Danzo really wants me dead. The Anbu he sent this time are way more skilled and coordinated then the ones he sent in the past, and there's more of them too. I can't even sense their presence until the last moment. What kind of special technique did Danzo place on these Anbu to keep their presence hidden even from me?

Just as four Anbu appeared behind me I jumped to a higher branch and hung upside down as I weaved the signs of Tiger, Horse, Tiger, Snake and said, "Wood Style Great Forest Jutsu!" I stuck out my left hand causing large tendrils of wood to shoot forth capturing two Anbu while the other two successfully jumped out of the way. I clenched my fist as my wood technique constricted and crushed the bodies of the two that were ensnared. Three other Anbu were rushing towards me at this moment prompting me to throw my special kunai at them and weaving the signs of Ox, Dog, Dragon, Rat, Dog, Boar, Snake, Tiger and said, "Kunai Shadow Clone Jutsu!" More than 100 special kunai flew out at high speeds piercing through the air.

One Anbu quickly formed the sign of Tiger, Hare, Boar, Dog and said, "Earth Style Earth Wall Jutsu!" A giant wall of earth successfully blocked the attack, however it impaired their vision so I flew to a kunai near the top of the wall and grabbed two special kunai before doing a flip over the wall. As I was in the air I threw the two kunai and killed two of the Anbu as I landed right in front of the third. He quickly threw a right punch but I parried with my left hand. He kicked with his left leg as I blocked with my right knee. He punched, thrusted, kicked, swept, dodged, blocked, parried, flipped, grappled, and twisted but I countered and met him blow for blow as I finally broke his arm, dislocated his knee, and twisted his head effectively killing him.

A pair of hands shot out from the ground and grabbed my ankles at this moment preventing me from moving as two Anbu shot out at great speeds from my left and right sides thrusting their swords out at my body. Just before the swords reached me I flew to one of my hundred special kunai lying around the forest floor causing the two Anbu to skewer each other as they couldn't react in time at the last moment. I quickly turned my head to the left and kicked with my right leg dodging and deflecting two kunai thrown at me. I jumped up as a large fuma shuriken flew past and stuck my hands out to my sides successfully grabbing two kunai that were thrown at me. I twisted my body in the air and threw both kunai back from their point of origin. Both Anbu dodged behind a tree before they could get hit. Just as I was about to land, a powerful blast of Wind Ninjutsu shot towards me, but I flew to a different kunai in the forest.

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