Chapter 13: Fighting Lord Third

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Yawn. "Finally, we're back." I said as I followed Yamato-sensei and the others through Konoha's entrance.

"Oh? If it isn't Izaya, Kimimaro, and Haku!" Kotetsu said. Yamato then turned to look at Kotetsu and said, "What about me?" However, Kotetsu completely ignored Yamato and was already in the middle of conversing with us. Yamato just stared at us with an annoyed expression.

"So how did the hunting mission go this time?" Kotetsu asked. He had always enjoyed the story that these three kids told him after every successful C-rank hunting mission they completed. He listened intently as we told him about our mission.

It seemed like only yesterday that these three buggers were standing outside these exact gates seeking help like lost puppies. Now they've grown into such fine shinobi Kotetsu thought. Yamato walked over and was about to cut in when he heard a loud bird cry in the sky.

"Eh?" He questioned. He then looked up and saw a hawk soar through the sky with another cawing sound. Yamato and Kotetsu made eye contact at that moment as if coming to an understanding.

"Yamato-sensei, do we have anything else planned for today?" Haku asked.

Yamato shook his head and said, "Not today. I've got to report to Lord Third about our mission. I'll come find you guys later in the afternoon."

"Okay, see you later sensei." We all nodded and said.

"Mn." Yamato assented before disappearing in a puff of smoke. I looked up at that moment and saw a hawk circling in the air continuing to occasionally caw out. Oh, seems like it's already time for the Chunin exams to begin I thought to myself.

"So what're you kids going to be doing now?" Kotetsu asked.

I gave a momentary thoughtful look before answering, "Well, we haven't been in the village for about half a month so we'll go take a look around first. Then meet up with Yamato-sensei later."

Kotestu put a smile on his face and said, "Sounds like a plan. Don't cause any trouble."

"Have we ever caused trouble before?" Haku said rhetorically as we walked off waving goodbye.

Sigh. "Those kids are truly capable now huh." Kotetsu let out.

"Eh? Why do you sound like an old man right now?" Kotetsu's guard partner Izumo said.

"It's nothing. I was just listening to those kids tell me how their hunting trip went. Apparently they ran into a Tengu but managed to kill it." Kotetsu replied.

"What! They killed a Tengu!" Izumo stood up from his seat in surprise.

Puff. Hiruzen sat on his seat smoking his pipe as he patiently waited for all the Jonin to arrive. The last to enter was Yamato. "Oh, Yamato, finally decided to come eh?" Asuma jokingly said.

"Haha, my apologies. Team 11 just got back from our mission." Yamato replied apologetically.

"Mn. Everyone has now gathered." Hiruzen assented. "Now I'm sure you have all realized the reason why I have called you all here today, but I will still formally announce it. The start of the Chunin exam begins in one week. I ask the Jonin instructors of the newly promoted Genins. Sarutobi Asuma, Yuhi Kurenai, Hatake Kakashi, and Yamato. Please step forward."

"Yes Lord Hokage." All four of them agreed and stepped forward.

"Now I must ask, are there any rookie Genin from your teams that you wish to recommend for the exam? Just so you know, any Genin who has completed at least 8 or more formal missions are eligible. Well then, let's hear from you first Kakashi-san." Hiruzen said.

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