Chapter 21: Saving Lord Third

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Swish! Thud! Crack!

Huff...Huff...Huff… "What the hell is this kid? He's not normal!" A Sound ninja said as he watched another one of his comrades drop dead to the ground with 5 needles sticking out of him. Haku stood not far away from them as he gave a quick glance at the barrier that held the Hokage and Orochimaru. He noted the three Anbu sitting on the roof watching Lord Hokage battle Orochimaru and thought to himself, what the hell are those three useless Anbu doing? They're just sitting there and watching? They won't even attempt to try anything? If they can't do anything about the barrier they could at least help us get rid of these guys sooner he inwardly cursed in his head.

Kakashi and Guy were extremely surprised. As they fought against the foreign ninja they noticed that Haku was doing just as well on his own and killing many of the ninja that instigated the attack. Yamato, you really weren't kidding when you said that they were truly skilled. I'm afraid even Sasuke won't be able to beat him right now Kakashi thought as he parried a kunai and threw a heavy kick at one of the foreign shinobi.

At this time Naruto and his group chased after Sasuke and Gaara. Since they were followed Shikamaru elected to stay behind to dupe them, successfully capturing eight Sound ninja with his Shadow Possession Jutsu. "Tsk. Kakashi's dog Pakkun said that there were nine people following us. That last person's job is probably to hide in the shadows just for situations like these." Shikamaru complained to himself. Just as he was contemplating his next move he heard a familiar voice.

"I found this person hiding in the shadows." The voice belonging to that person then dropped a dead man on the ground. A Sound ninja lay bloody on the ground for all to see. This instantly caused all of the eight captured Sound ninja to panic since that guy was supposed to be the one to free them in situations like these.

"Eh?" Shikamaru turned to look who it was and said in a surprised voice, "Kimimaro?"

Kimimaro turned to look at Shikamaru and nodded his head in acknowledgement. "Mn." He then walked over to Shikamaru's side and said, "You should kill all of them first before your Shadow Possession Jutsu wears out."

When those sound ninja heard Kimimaro say that, they were instantly distressed. "W-wait. W-we can talk this out."

Sigh. What a pain Shikamaru thought. "Well, I knew there was a ninth person but wasn't sure where he was. You saved me a lot of trouble. Thanks." Shikamaru said. He then took out four shuriken and 4 kunai and threw them, effectively killing the eight Sound ninja he captured with his Shadow Possession Jutsu.

Phew. He breathed out a sigh of relief. He turned to Kimimaro and said, "What are you doing out here anyways?"

"Me? I won't be able to hide it much longer so I suppose it won't hurt letting you know. My health is actually not that good. Getting into any serious fights will flare up my condition. I promised someone to stay out of the battle unless I have to. Would you like to join me?" Kimimaro replied.

"Eh?" Shikamaru said dumbfoundedly. He then smiled and said, "Well, since you're offering I will graciously accept. So where's your resting spot?"

Haku jumped back and parried an attack before putting his hands together and forming the signs of Ram, Tiger and said, "Water Style Syrup Trap Jutsu!" A dark murky wave of water quickly washed over the body's of 5 Sound ninja effectively slowing their movements and keeping them stuck to the ground. Kakashi and Haku used that moment to quickly kill all five of them in the next instant. It was also at this moment that Haku noticed Lord Third fall to the ground with Orochimaru standing over him. It seemed like they were talking about something, however Haku saw that scene as an immediate threat to Lord Third's life and threw a kunai in the air with a paper bomb attached. It exploded creating a large plume of smoke in the air.

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