Chapter 25: Tsunade's Return

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Haku and I rushed to the hospital when we heard that Tsunade was finally back in Konoha. We almost bumped into Naruto at that moment when we reached the hospital entrance. "Whoa!" Haku, Naruto, and I exclaimed as we immediately stopped ourselves just before colliding.

"Naruto." Huff. "You guys." Huff. "Are back." Haku and I said as we were catching our breath.

"Eh? Haku? Izaya? What are you guys doing here-dattebayo?" Naruto asked confused. Tsunade and Shizune just stood there watching the three of us amused.

"Right, you didn't know but Kimimaro is also sick. We heard that Lady Tsunade is back and we were wondering if she was going to stop by the hospital." I responded. Haku and I then turned to face Tsunade and respectfully said, "We greet Lady Tsunade."

"Oh? Mn. I like you two kids. Very respectful unlike some other brat that I know of." She said.

"Hey! I don't care about that right now. You said you would treat Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke. Let's go-dattebayo!" Naruto remarked.

"Haaaa…" Tsunade just let out a sigh and shook her head. She then looked at Haku and I then said, "So you two must be the kids that old man Sarutobi-sensei mentioned to me about earlier. You must be pretty skillful if that old man decided to take you on as disciples."

"AH?!" Naruto exclaimed when he heard this. "Wait? So you two are training under Lord Third?" He asked. Haku and I nodded as I said, "It's not just Haku and I but Kimimaro as well."

"EH?!" Naruto exclaimed again. Shizune then cut in and said, "Alright, Lady Tsunade, we should go check out how everyone is doing."

"Ah! Yeah Yeah, we can't waste anymore time-dattebayo!" Naruto said as he walked into the hospital alongside Haku and I. Tsunade just followed suit as we first stopped by Sasuke's room. As we all squeezed into that room we all noticed Sakura sitting beside Sasuke's bed.

So, in the end, Sasuke ended up fighting Itachi and Itachi still placed him under his Genjutsu I mentally thought to myself. I also gave an inward sigh at the tragedy of Itachi and also thought about my past. In this life I had really wanted to try and save Itachi, but I don't know if that's actually possible. He's already dying of an illness and I doubt he'd want to be saved after what he did. In my past life, after everything that I did on orders, even though I died at my own hands doing everything I could for my missions thinking about what would be best for the world, I guess I wouldn't want to be saved either. Now I have a second chance at life and can start over. Itachi doesn't have that.

Sasuke woke up after Tsunade finished healing him. I saw the look of dejection in his eyes and knew that he would try to seek more power through Orochimaru. Well, even if Orochimaru still has both uses of his arms, I doubt he'd be able to take over Sasuke's body. Most likely he'll learn to wield the power of the Curse Mark instead and Orochimaru's weapon to take over his body would instead become Sasuke's weapon to absorb Orochimaru.

As Sakura and Sasuke were having their little moment we went to Kakashi's room. She started berating Kakashi for getting beat after she healed him while Guy was nervously waiting behind the curtains. Naruto left after Kakashi was healed to go meet Iruka while we followed Tsunade as she went to check out Lee's wounds. "Hm…" She pondered as she looked at Lee's condition. Guy nervously and anxiously fidgeted on the side and finally couldn't help himself as he said, "W-Well? Lady Tsunade? How is he? Can you heal him?"

She let out a sigh and then said, "Probably."

Eh? Guy had a dumbfounded look before he finally breathed out a sigh of relief. Lee also breathed out a sigh of relief. Tsunade shook her head and said, "Don't celebrate yet. I said probably. That doesn't mean definitely. The thing is, Lee's injuries are incredibly dangerous. There are minute fractures around important parts of his nervous system. Originally I probably would of had a 50% chance at best to heal his injuries but I can see that the fractures have begun healing themselves and the cells in your body are full of vigor and vitality in those areas when after an injury like yours they should of been greatly atrophied. I should have about a 65% chance of healing your injuries. What sort of technique did you practice to do this?"

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