Chapter 40: Meeting Nagato

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Chapter 40

Naruto stood atop the head of the large toad Gamabunta next to Gamaken and Gamahiro in his new Sage clothes already in Sage Mode as he glowered at the five Pains.

"The odds seem to be against us this time." Deva Pain commented as he stared at the seven shinobi in front of him who all exuded an aura of power. "With Deva Pain's power not returning for a while we'll have to make do with our summons." Deva Pain continued speaking to himself. Animal Pain weaved the signs for the summoning and said, "Summoning Jutsu!"

Poof Poof Poof Poof Poof Poof!

Six white clouds of smoke appeared in the vicinity before clearing away and in their place was a giant drill-beaked bird, a multi-headed dog, a snake-tailed chameleon, a giant ox, a giant rhino, and a giant crustacean.

"Tsk. Go!" Tsunade shouted fiercely.


At that moment the battle began. EEEEAAAAARRRR! The loud sound of egg bombs could be heard dropping from the sky as the drill-beaked bird flew overhead. Before they could fall down too far Hiruzen weaved the signs of Rat, Tiger, Dog, Ox, Hare, Tiger and said, "Fire Style Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" Multiple balls of fire shot out towards the sky intercepting the egg bombs causing them to explode in the air. Before the giant rhino, giant ox, and giant crustacean could get near anyone, Gamabunta, Gamaken, and Gamahiro intercepted them keeping them at bay. The giant chameleon swallowed Deva Pain before turning invisible.

So, he's trying to hide and buy some time for Deva's power to return I mentally noted.

Boom Boom Boom.

I quickly jumped to the left, to the right, and the left one more time while advancing forward dodging the missiles launched from Asura Pain.


Sasuke stealthily appeared behind Preta Pain and swung his sword at its head only for it to duck and successfully dodge. Just as it was about to counter and strike Sasuke, Naruto appeared in front of it and kicked with his right leg. Preta Pain successfully crossed its arms and blocked, but due to Naruto's enhanced Sage energy his kick was strong enough to send Preta Pain flying through the air. A Shadow Clone of Naruto's fell from the sky with a Rasengan aimed at the Preta Pain disoriented in the air, however, Preta Pain successfully absorbed the Rasengan's energy.

"Eh? This one can absorb Ninjutsu-dattebayo?" Clone Naruto exclaimed in surprise. Naraka Pain struck out with its fist killing Naruto's Shadow Clone at this instant.

Just as the multi-headed dog was about to take a bite out of Tsunade she threw a right uppercut and easily sent the dog flying into the air for a few hundred feet. I quickly placed my hand on the back of Kimimaro's head and shared my senses with him allowing him to sense the whereabouts of the invisible chameleon. Kimimaro weaved the signs of Monkey, Snake and said, "Dance of the Weeding Cage Jutsu!" Large, strong, and flexible bones erupted beneath the invisible chameleon and ensnared it without letting go forcing it out of its invisible state.

Deva Pain was immediately shocked as he stared at Izaya who had his hands placed on Kimimaro's head. "So he's a skilled sensory type shinobi." Deva Pain commented to himself. Kimimaro stuck out his palms and said, "Dance of the Honey Locust Spear!" The chameleon opened its mouth releasing Deva Pain just as two large white and sharp bones shot out at high speeds and killed it causing it to disappear in a puff of smoke. Naruto continued to engage Preta Pain in a fight of Taijutsu as Sasuke prevented Animal Pain and Naraka Pain from interfering and Kakashi kept Asura Pain at bay.

"Maro, go help Lord Fifth take down that dog that keeps multiplying." I said.

"Mn." Kimimaro nodded and dashed off. Hiruzen continued keeping the egg bombs away. Kakashi quickly disengaged from Asura Pain and arrived by Sasuke's side at this moment and struck out with his Raikiri at Naraka Pain's head. Just as Naraka Pain ducked to dodge Sasuke activated his Chidori Spear successfully piercing through Naraka Pain's head. Animal Pain used this opportunity to strike out at Sasuke with a black receiver spear only for me to fly next to Kakashi who was by Sasuke in that moment and deflected the black receiver with a special kunai of mine and marked the falling Naraka Pain.

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