Chapter 37: The Truth of Uchiha Itachi

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"What the hell is that?" White Zetsu asked as he watched Itachi's Susanoo's blade pierce through Orochimaru's body.

"That's called the Sword of Totsuka, otherwise known as the Sake Cutter Longsword. It is a spirit weapon that is the counter to Orochimaru's Sword of Kusanagi. It's said that it possesses a powerful sealing technique and all those it pierces will be sealed in a world of drunken dreams for all of eternity." Black Zetsu replied as they continued to watch Itachi and Sasuke battle.

"Now then Sasuke, are there anymore tricks you wish to use?" Itachi said as he slowly walked towards Sasuke in his bloody and tattered form. Sasuke just stared at Itachi and his Susanoo. Out of all the outcomes that Sasuke had imagined, this wasn't one of them. In fact, he never imagined that he would lose. He was so sure that he had everything under control. He wasn't that weak little boy that Itachi beat all those years ago anymore. He trained and worked so hard to get here. He even sought out Orochimaru, absorbed his power, and abandoned all the people he had began to care about in Konoha just for the moment that he foresaw Itachi's death by his hands. So why? Why didn't anything change? Why isn't Itachi dead yet? How come he was still so powerless? As all of his attacks failed to penetrate Itachi's defenses he simply stared with panicked eyes with his back against the wall. At this moment, as Itachi walked towards Sasuke from the distance and saw the fear and panic in Sasuke's eyes his heart constricted. All these years he played the role of the big bad brother, but for once, at least in his final moments, he wanted to do something right for Sasuke.

As Itachi slowly and carefully walked towards Sasuke he gave a warm smile and said, "Sasuke…There are many things I wish that I had done differently now that we are to this point...Cough… Mother...Father...The Clan...All I had ever wanted was for you to walk the right path…Cough...To not be tainted by our darkness... However...After meeting with two particular individuals I have realized that I was wrong in my choices...Cough...I don't regret what I've done til now...But I do think there are some things that I could have done differently. You said that you wanted answers..."

Sasuke just stared at Itachi's slowly dying and walking form with confusion and fear as he didn't know what Itachi was going on about. As Itachi struggled to remain conscious he slowly recalled his conversation with Izaya at this moment.

*Flash Back*

"...You wish for Sasuke to be the one to kill you and return to the Leaf after he has fulfilled his purpose, however, what happens when he finds out the truth about you? It will most likely be Madara who tells him the truth. You loved your brother dearly. Did you not think he loved you just as much? Once he knows the truth he may not return to the Leaf, but instead turn against it. He may resent it for what it commanded you to do. What will you do?...

...In your last moments you need to show and pass onto him everything. If he learns of this from a third party he'll hate everyone who caused you to suffer because he'll think that the brother he loved so much didn't have a choice. But if you are the one to tell him, he may just come to understand your ninja way and return to Konoha. You shouldn't try to do everything yourself…

...Show him. Pass on your will to him. Transfer your emotions of what you feel for the Village and how you lived as a shinobi. Show him your ninja way. Give him all the memories and details of your plans for him. Tell him it was Danzo who gave you this order. Show him that crushing the Leaf would only be a dishonor to you and destroy everything that you stood for. If he truly loves you as a brother still, then after seeing all of this and feeling what you felt, he may decide to finally come to terms with his hatred. The only things you can leave him is your will, your love, your acceptance of who he is, your memories, and your power…"

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