Chapter 14: Chunin Exams Begin

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Huff...Huff...Huff… I panted heavily as the three of us continued to run through the academy hallways and up the stairs. "Are you alright big brother?" Haku asked worriedly.

"Im...huff...fine. Let's focus on making it there first." I said out of breath. Kimimaro took one more glance at me before forcefully grabbing me and threw me over his shoulder. "Oi! Wha-" I exclaimed in surprise. Before I could finish my sentence Kimimaro said, "Just let me do this Izaya. Not only did you expend chakra during our spar with Lord Third, but you were also forced to use up a large portion of your chakra to activate the Flying Thunder God Jutsu and teleport all three of us by the Academy entrance from the training grounds. You're currently drained of chakra. Let Haku and I take care of the rest."

I took a deep breath and nodded in consent as I hung passively over Kimimaro's shoulder.

Outside the door of room 301 was Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura along with Kakashi and Yamato. Yamato was pacing nervously back and forth while Kakashi was giving a serious talk to Team 7 and praising them as well. "Where are they? Where are they? They didn't actually decide not to participate right?" Yamato nervously whispered to himself. He checked the time which showed that it was 2:59pm. Just as he looked up at the end of the hallway the three of us showed up which Yamato then let out a loud, "AH!"

His loud exclamation startled Kakashi and Team 7 who looked at him with a weird expression. The three of us finally stood in front of Yamato-sensei while Team 7 just looked at us like we were all performing a circus act. "Where HAVE YOU BEEN! Do you know how nervous I was!" Yamato shouted anxiously. At this moment Kimimaro put me down while I took one long deep breath to steady my breathing. Then I looked at Yamato-sensei with a mocking smile and said, "Oh. Lord Third wanted to meet with us for a bit. Ya-Ma-To-sensei." I said emphasizing the hidden intent when I said his name.

It was then that it struck him that the reason his three precious students were late might of been related to him. "Ha-Hahaha...Uh...Ahem. Well it doesn't matter. What matters is that you're here now. Ahem. Why don't you three go ahead inside. Hehe…" Yamato said nervously and apologetically.

Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura looked on dumbfoundedly at Yamato's sudden change of tone and expression. Team 7 collectively had the same thought at this moment. That those three were obviously late because of Yamato and he forget that he was the cause.

"Okay...Well go on in then. And do your best." Kakashi said.

"Mn." Team 7 and us three assented.

All six of us then walked through the doors. After the door shut behind us Kakashi just stared and Yamato and said, "What the heck did you do."

"Hahaha, nothing nothing. It's my fault. Let's not mention it any further Kakashi-senpai." Yamato said sheepishly as both he and Kakashi walked off.

As the six of us stood at the front of the entrance Ino immediately attacked Sasuke with a fanatic fangirl hug annoying him greatly. Shikamaru and Choji walked over as well starting up a conversation. As usual, Choji was eating some chips and Shikamaru was complaining about the whole ordeal. Eventually Kiba, Hinata, and Shino walked over to join us. Kiba made some snarky remark which prompted Sasuke to reply condescendingly. As they continued their banter Kimimaro, Haku, and I stood there watching with an amused expression.

It was at this moment I noticed someone walking over to our group causing me to furrow my brow when I realized who it was. "Yakushi Kabuto." I whispered nearly inaudible to everyone else, except for Kimimaro and Haku who heard me.

Eh? Haku raised his eyebrows while Kimimaro turned to me with curiosity. Haku walked closer to me and whispered, "You know him big brother?"

"Ah?" I said aloud realizing my mistake. "Did I say that out loud…" I replied sheepishly.

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