Chapter 44: The End of Danzo

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Rustle. Rustle.



Izaya laid down a scroll on the table before him as he read through its contents in the dimly lit room. Hmm...So the place where all the murderous aura was found is in the Moon country. That's an island where the Village Hidden Under the Moon is located. Using the Fire Country as a reference it'd be to the far southeast waters between the Kanashi Ocean and the Kaijuu Ocean. It's pretty far from here, but should be worth checking out. It seems Danzo had found some interesting information about some sort of weapon that was hidden on that island. I wonder what it could be.

After combing through the rest of Danzo's archives in this room I prepared to leave when I saw an unassuming tattered and worn scroll pushed in the corner under a pile of papers in the room collecting dust. Well, probably isn't anything important but doesn't hurt to check it out. I picked it up and rolled it out on the table as I took a look at its contents.

Not much on here. Looks like this scroll is a remnant from the now lost Uzumaki Clan. It's pretty old and the words are nearly illegible. Without the Sharingan I wouldn't be able to piece together what the words say at all. Something about a relic of the eternal flame and the secrets of the Four Symbols Sealing Jutsu. Interesting, but seems like the relic of this eternal flame was lost when the Whirlpool Country was destroyed. Apparently this relic was a key component to how the Uzumaki clan was able to develop the Fours Symbols Sealing Jutsu. I wonder what this relic of eternal flame is. The relic is some sort of ancient looking lantern. Well, since it has to do with the secrets of the Four Symbols Sealing Jutsu this might be worth looking into more. I'll hold onto this scroll just in case. Taking one last sweep around the room and finding nothing else of interest I headed out the door. Just as I walked out and changed my chakra back into sensing mode I felt a disturbance throughout the entire hideout.

Looks like Sasuke found Danzo I mentally noted as I recognized Sasuke's chakra signature chasing three other signatures. Eh? I then sensed several other figures chasing Sasuke and noted that they were Root Anbu. I thought I told him to be more careful but I guess after he found Danzo he just went for the kill.


A loud sound was heard as all those chakra signatures I was tracking on the lower level all of a sudden rose up to the first level before appearing outside the hideout. Guess they charged outside. I brandished my special kunai in my right hand and flew to Sasuke's location.


Just as I appeared by Sasuke's side three shuriken flew towards us so I quickly deflected them with my special kunai.

Ting Ting Ting!

Danzo widened his eyes in surprise at my sudden appearance by Sasuke's side. "Karasuma Izaya?!"

"Yo." I replied nonchalantly.

"Izaya?" Sasuke questioned noting my presence as he stared at Danzo with hatred.

"I see you found Danzo pretty quickly, but I wish you acted a bit more covertly. All this commotion has attracted the other Root Anbu stationed in this place." I commented.

"Tsk. There was a warning barrier placed on the lower level near his position. It went off before I noticed it." Sasuke replied.

"Then...I guess that leaves us no choice but to take out everyone. You focus on Danzo. I'll keep the others at bay."

"You gonna be alright taking on everyone else like that by yourself?" Sasuke questioned doubtfully.

"Well, I doubt he made the necessary preparations to kill me this time so I shouldn't have a huge problem. At least escaping with my life will be a lot easier this time. And after my experience with the last assassination attempt I'll know what tricks of his to look out for. We'll watch each other's backs while you focus on Danzo and I focus on the other guys."

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