Chapter 48: Spirit Weapons and the Fourth Division

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Several walls of a dark cavern broke and shattered as a dark Tengu chased after me rolling and tumbling uncontrollably through the air. "Guh!" I groaned coughing up some blood as I crashed into the fifth wall that finally stopped my momentum. Damn Muramasa! After all this time he's still as strong as ever. Every time I'm able to separate him from his katana and create an opportunity to seriously injure him he's able to counter with some weird technique of his or he's able to materialize his katana in time to counter me I mentally cursed as I lay in a rubble of stone, dust, and blood.

Tsk. I clicked my tongue and clutched my right arm taking a moment to sense all the areas on my body where Muramasa inured me with his katana. The wounds won't stop bleeding after he cut me with his blade even with the regenerative abilities of my body. That blade of his is really strange. Every cut and wound on my body that was inflicted by something other than his blade eventually stops bleeding, but wounds inflicted by that blade won't stop bleeding. My body's regenerative powers are enough to replenish my blood loss for now but it won't do me any good if I keep bleeding nonstop and my chakra depletes to zero.


Muramasa jumped down from the ceiling with his katana in hand as he aimed to pierce it through my heart. Once again I flew to a different kunai avoiding imminent death causing a scowl to appear on Muramasa's face. I took note of his growing frustration and anger as our battle continued to rage on.

Muramasa clenched his katana in his hands as he once again missed his killing blow contemplating in frustration. Never! Never once had he had this much trouble catching and killing someone he deemed his prey. It irritated him greatly that this one insect of a shinobi was taking so long to kill. Although he liked to play with his food, that was only up until a certain point and only if it was under the condition that he had absolute control. However, this...This game of trying to catch and kill a mere shinobi who had less than a third of his total chakra was getting out of hand.

I merely stared at the back of Muramasa as blood dripped down my mouth while sporting a sorry look with cuts, wounds, bruises, and injuries all over my body. Just as I was racking my brain for another plan I heard a voice speak in my head. "You there. Kid."

Eh? I widened my eyes and looked around unable to find the source of the voice. Then I heard it again. "Kid. To survive this long against that spirit, you aren't half bad. But if you keep this up you'll end up dying. How about I lend you a hand."

Before I could respond Muramasa swung his katana forcing me to teleport to another kunai once again dodging one of his many failed lethal blows from our drawn out battle. I continued to avoid Muramasa's onslaught while doing my best to split my focus between staying alive and listening to the voice in my head as I responded, "Who are you? Where are you? And how can you help? If you've got an idea I'll take it. I'm running out of ideas myself."

That mysterious and ancient voice spoke again. "Mn. You would do well to listen to me. However, if I am to help you then you must also help me."

Bang! Boom!

I dodged two perilous strikes to my life as I simply nodded."Speak your mind."

Once again that ancient voice spoke. "Muramasa is a spirit weapon. The katana and sheath are his true vessel. His soul is bound to it, that is why he can materialize the blade to his hand. He is only using that Tengu called Sojobo as his temporary host so he can move around freely. Although that Tengu is truly dead, his body is acting like the house for Muramasa's spirit. In order to defeat him you must expel his spirit from the body and back into the katana and sheath. Then you must seal his soul and suppress it in both the katana and sheath so he will not be able to reign free nor exert his malicious influence."

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