Chapter 55: Everyone Gathers!

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War Recap:

First Division: Locked in battle by the sea against White Zetsu Army and Reanimated shinobi.

Second Division: Battlefield won.

Third Division: Battlefield Won! Split to aid the First and Second Division.

Fourth Division: Battlefield Won! Left to aid the First Division.

Fifth Division: Aiding the First Division

Others: Kakashi, Sai, Sasuke, Haku, Fourth Raikage, Neji, and Kimimaro are hunting down Ashina and Tobirama.

Three days had passed since Tobi attacked with his Jinchuriki but there was no sign of him since that incident, I thought to myself as I laid in bed. I turned my head to see Hanabi getting dressed in her battle outfit and did my best not to pounce her. She took notice of my staring and smiled. "Seen enough?"

I took a moment committing to memory her half naked half dressed look and took a deep breath to steady the slightly quickened heart beating in my chest. I smiled warmly and playfully and shook my head in response to her. "Nope. I think you have to start over."

I watched her slowly walk over to me and bend down close to my face. Just as I leaned in to kiss her lips she stopped and ruffled my hair. "H-Hey?!" I exclaimed in surprise.

Hanabi stood back up and laughed. "Hahaha! It's time to get up Izaya."

I let out a soft sigh plopping back down on the bed. "Not fair Hanabi. What about my morning kiss?"

"Not unless you wake up. I know you're only refraining from getting up so you don't have to face everyone outside."

I let out another sigh. "It's been three days. Three days! I don't think I'm gonna get used to being called God of Shinobi all the time. My power isn't even close to that level. It's an undeserving title."

I felt the side of the bed dip down a bit as Hanabi sat next to me and ran her fingers through my hair, something new that she had been doing lately, but I found it oddly relaxing, even though it made me feel like she was treating me like a pet dog sometimes.

"Izaya you're just gonna have to get used to it. You can't predict how everyone's going to react. That just shows you how incredible everyone thinks you are. You're Konoha's White Flash, The Blind Warrior, The Lone Ninja, and now God of Shinobi. Don't worry though, you aren't alone. Kimimaro is being called Bone Demon Kimimaro. In fact, since he's so skilled in Taijutsu he's also being called Konoha's Pale Beast."

I shifted my head and looked up at Hanabi surprised. "Really? Since when did people start calling Maro as Konoha's Pale Beast? That sounds just like Might Guy being referred to as Konoha's Blue Beast and Rock Lee as Konoha's Green Beast."

Hanabi shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, it just happened one day and I guess it stuck around with people. Besides, I hear you two aren't the only ones gaining a lot of recognition. I heard Haku is being called Silent Killer Haku, Frost Needle Haku, Thousand Needle Haku, and even Ocean Sage Haku. Oh and get this, Sasuke is being called Demon Eye Sasuke, Sasuke of the Sharingan, and The Dark Fire Shinobi. So you don't have to feel so embarrassed anymore."

Once more I let out a sigh in defeat. Hanabi smirked. "You'll start sounding like an old man if you sigh so much. It's still so early in the morning."

I nodded my head and finally got dressed. Just as I finished strapping Muramasa to my waist I grabbed Hanabi's hand. "Hanabi, I'm leaving today. I'm going back out to search for Kabuto."

After hearing what I said she frowned but nodded silently. "I knew you'd have to get back to that at some point. Don't worry about us here. Even if Madara does come back we should be able to handle him. Naruto and Bee are still here and they've recovered by now. Also, the First Division finally won their battle yesterday and are heading to our location along with the other half of the Second Division, Third Division, Fourth Division, and Fifth Division. Even the White Zetsu army has been completely defeated. The only one's remaining are Uzumaki Ashina, the Second Hokage Tobirama, and the Third Raikage who Ashina managed to unseal before the scouting party we sent after him arrived. And of course Madara and Kabuto."

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