Chapter 20: Attack on the Leaf

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As all the participants stood there at the center of the open stage countless cheers from the crowd could be heard. In a line from left to right stood Temari, Kankuro, Gaara, Neji, Naruto, Shikamaru, Sasuke, Haku, and Izaya. I turned and gave a quick glance at Sasuke in surprise. In my past life he arrived incredibly late against his fight with Gaara but this time he's actually here with the rest of us. I'm a little impressed. It seems the small details of fate are changing bit by bit. That also means predicting the future might be a bit more iffy now.

Oh? I turned my attention to the highest balcony where Lord Hokage was seated. The Kazekage, or rather Orochimaru in disguise probably, was walking to his seat near Lord Third. I took a glance at Lord Third and breathed a sigh of relief. He was wearing the necklace I gave him. I then inwardly sneered at Orochimaru but turned my attention to Gaara when I felt his rage flare up. Right...he would be feeling hatred, after all he thinks it's his father Rasa, and Rasa that bastard attempted to kill him on multiple occasions for incredibly stupid reasons. I then pondered quietly to myself whether or not Kishimoto, the story's creator secretly had a rough childhood.

Soon after Lord Third announced the start of the final round. The first to battle was Haku versus Temari. I turned to Haku and placed my hands on his shoulder before saying, "Good luck." Even though I knew he didn't need any. Haku nodded in acknowledgement. Everyone left the field leaving only Haku and Temari. Temari blushed a little before resuming a composed look and said, "Don't expect me to go easy on you just because you're easy on the eyes." Haku nodded his head with an unreadable expression and got in a battle stance. The proctor named Genma then said, "Start!"

Temari immediately took out her giant fan and charged at Haku. She jumped in the air and just as she slammed down with her fan Haku dashed forward underneath her throwing a senbon needle aimed at her left knee joint. It was so fast that she didn't have the time and enough maneuverability to dodge or block while in the air. The needle struck its mark and Temari instantly lost feeling in her left leg. As her body fell she quickly landed with her right leg and balanced herself with her giant fan. Haku stood 10 feet opposite her and threw three more senbon needles at her. Just as Temari turned around to face him the three senbon needles expertly met their mark disabling the muscle in her right arm, left arm, and right knee joint. Without any strength in her arms she instantly let go of the giant fan and dropped to the ground. Before she could do anything else Haku arrived before her and pressed a senbon needle to her throat before saying, "Last chance." In that moment she instantly had a look of disbelief and fear flash in her eyes before conceding defeat.

"What the hell. I knew Izaya's other teammates were some sort of monsters. Do I really have to face that guy?" Shikamaru instantly complained and lamented. With the end of the first round Haku arrived next to me while I congratulated him. We turned our heads to look at the crowd and noticed Kimimaro sitting in his seat as he waved to us, so we waved back. The next round was Naruto vs. Neji in which, after a heated battle Naruto came out the victor. I was pitted against Kankuro next, however he forfeited before we could start. I simply sneered inside. Even though some details have changed, it seems the main course of events remain set in stone. Kankuro forfeited his match in my last life as well. It seems the attack will begin soon.

Since my match was forfeited I walked over to Kimimaro in the crowd's seating area and whispered to his ear, "Kimimaro, there isn't any need to watch the matches any further. My senses are telling me that there is a plot brewing. The Anbu stationed at these stadiums are giving off weird signatures."

Uh? Kimimaro immediately placed his guard up and put on a serious face. He whispered back, "What do you need me to do Izaya?"

"I need you to go to my room. I have a lot of my special kunai laying around there. I need you to take some and place them at certain points throughout the village, just in case. Also, keep one on your person at all times so I can reach you if I need to. After that I need you to promise me you'll stay out of battle unless you are forced to. Go find Yamato-sensei and inform him of what I told you. If you can't find him, try your best to warn the other Chunin or Jonin like Iruka Sensei and Kotetsu-sensei."

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