Chapter 57: The Reanimation Released

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War Recap:

The Three Guardians of Ryuga-Jo Palace stop Madara's attack, however they were forced to leave the battlefield. Madara joins Obito and the Ten Tails to attempt to capture the Eight and Nine Tails.

Izaya finds Kabuto inside Ryuchi Cave along with Tobi/Yamato and engages in battle with the two of them.

I dashed around the giant cavern that was currently filled with giant tree branches and sharp stalagmites as I dodged one attack after another from Kabuto. The turquoise glow of the cavern walls was the only source of light given to us, not that either one of us needed it to see. With Kabuto's Sage Mode and my Sharingan on top of my sensory perception we fought just fine with or without the light. However, the light did help someone else who was also in the cave hidden away in a small inconspicuous corner observing the fight. It was precisely the original White Zetsu. He squinted his eyes and completely focused on the battle before him not wanting to miss a single detail.



Kabuto dodged one of my giant Wood Style Jutsus and snarled shouting, "Sage Art: Inorganic Animation!" The surrounding stalactites and stalagmites warped inwards in an attempt to crush my body only to crush nothing but air as I flew to a different kunai in the distance. Kabuto scowled, "Izaya! On second thought, perhaps I should just kill you! There's still always Sasuke I could take. You're seeming to be a bit more trouble than it's worth to take alive."

I took note of his frustration and replied, "Kabuto, remember the things that we have talked about. You must acknowledge your true self. One cannot do everything on their own. Those who try to shoulder the burden of everything on their own will eventually fail in the end. Accepting what you can do and what you cannot do. That is how one moves forward."

"Shut up! You don't understand a single thing about me! Everything I have is my own power! Your words are but the words of a loser! You were nothing more than an experiment of Orochimaru's! And now you will soon be nothing more than an experiment for me! Dead or alive! Kidomaru: Spiral Spider Web Jutsu!"

The face of Kidomaru appeared on Kabuto's stomach as it spit out a thick giant web impervious to blades. Before it could ensnare me I focused the power of my left Mangekyo and said, "Kuninotokotachi!" The giant web quickly turned into a small tiny web and whizzed by becoming stuck on the wall behind me. Kabuto quickly formed some hand signs and said, "Sage Art: Water Style Water Bullet Jutsu!" A powerful stream of water quickly approached me as I quickly countered by activating my Taiyougan Beam. The golden dense energy beam collided with Kabuto's powerful Sage powered Water Style, however, the dense beam of energy slowly began to pierce through Kabuto's technique and rush straight at him, forcing him to dodge to the side to avoid being pierced.

As he dodged, the face of Tayuya holding a flute appeared on his stomach as he said, "Tayuya: Demon Flute Chains of Fantasia!" As the sound from the flute began to play I quickly pulled back my fist and shouted, "Eight Extreme Fists: 7th Fist of Splitting!" My right arm lit aglow in a golden light as I punched outwards towards the sound coming from the flute generating a terrifying force of wind that effectively disrupted the sound traveling on the airwaves stopping Kabuto's Genjutsu from being completed. I appeared behind Kabuto at this moment and with a special kunai, I slashed towards his head prompting him to dodge sideways. The blade of my kunai missed just by a centimeter, however, I quickly placed my palm on Kabuto's back and marked him with the Flying Thunder God Seal.

Kabuto stretched out his palm behind him and stabbed his hand right through my chest only for my body to disappear in a puff of smoke. Kabuto widened his eyes in shock and exclaimed, "Shadow Clone?" It was at that moment that I flew to his side and slashed with my kunai which connected with one of Kabuto's horns on his head cutting it off. Kabuto hurriedly dashed to the side and distanced himself from me touching the area I cut.

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