Chapter 7: The Academy

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Ding Dong Ding Dong. The academy bell rang signaling the start of class. Everyone got in there seats respectfully and awaited for their instructor Iruka-Sensei to start class. As per usual, Sakura and Ino were staring infatuated at the cold and indifferent looking Sasuke while Naruto gave him a look of annoyance. It was at this moment that Iruka opened and walked in through the door. Just as Iruka stepped into the classroom entrance a bucket fell from the top of the doorway.

Naruto silently snickered, except what he expected to happen ended up not happening. The bucket that was supposed to fall on top of Iruka's head was instead caught by me.

"Ah?" Iruka put on a bewildered expression and then stared at Naruto and sighed. "Naruto, was it you who put the bucket on top of the doorway?"

"Eh! Aw man, it didn't work." Naruto remarked completely ignoring Iruka's question.

Iruka simply faced palm before revelation hit him. The bucket didn't fall on top of his head? He turned his head to see that the bucket was being held in my hands. When did he...How did he...Iruka silently questioned in his head.

Ahem. He coughed. "Thank you for catching that bucket." Iruka nodded to me.

I simply nodded back and then placed the bucket down in the corner of the front room. Soon after, Iruka walked to the front of the class followed by Kimimaro, Haku, and myself. Everyone else in the class silently whispered amongst themselves at this new development. Sasuke temporarily opened his eyes and stared with the slightest bit of curiosity at us before turning away with indifference per usual.

"Alright class quiet down. I have an announcement to make." Iruka said. "I know class already started a few months ago but we have three new transfer students." He turned to us and asked us to introduce ourselves so I stepped up first.

"Hello, my name is Karasuma Izaya. You can call me Izaya. I'm 7 years old this year and I'll be in your care."

Eh? 7 years old? Just like most of us. He looks pretty handsome right? Wait, is he blind? The whispers continued in class as Kimimaro and Haku both introduced themselves as well.

"My name is Kimimaro. You can call me Kimimaro. I am also 7 years old."

"My name is Haku, and you can also just call me Haku. I hope we get along." He smiled.

"Ehhh...he's too pretty to be a guy right?" Naruto questioned.

"Okay quiet down everyone. They will be attending the academy with all of you til graduation so be nice. Izaya-kun, Kimimaro-kun, Haku-kun, the three of you can pick anywhere with open seats available." Iruka said.

The three of us nodded and chose a spot near the back by the windowsill. Class is most likely going to be pretty boring since it'll only be the basics like learning how to form hand signs and learning what elemental nature affinities are I silently mused. Like sasuke, I stared out the window for most of the class. Naturally they were talking about how to determine elemental affinities and what their properties were so I let the lecture go through one ear and out the other. After class was over some of our classmates came to converse with us. Among them were faces I recognized such as Choji, Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, Hinata, and Naruto.

"Hey hey, how did you catch the bucket earlier? Can you even see with that blindfold on?" Naruto asked.

"Oi, is that something polite to ask?" Shikamaru lightly scolded.

"What? It was a serious question?" Naruto replied.

I simply turned to face them but before I could reply Haku spoke up. "Something like that isn't enough to stop my big brother. Even though he's blind he can see just as well as any of us, maybe even better since he's a sensory type ninja."

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