Chapter 32: First Encounter with the Akatsuki

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A cloud of white smoke appeared and disappeared revealing Yamato and Izaya in the middle of an open field with a giant rock wall and a waterfall flowing down it. "Eh? Yamato-sensei? Izaya? Didn't you say you were going to get extra insurance incase the Nine-Tails flares up Yamato-sensei? How come Izaya is here too-dattebayo?" Naruto inquired.

"Haha, well Izaya is my insurance." Yamato replied.

"Uh? What do you mean?" Kakashi asked also out of the loop. I took a good look around and finally understood why Yamato-sensei only asked me to come along. So Naruto is going to begin training for his Rasenshuriken eh? I mentally noted. I then stepped forward to give an explanation. "I've been keeping it a secret until now but some troublesome people already know so there's no use keeping it hidden anymore. The truth is I can also use the Wood Style Kekkei Genkai. If the Nine-Tails chakra starts to exert its influence during Naruto's training, I'll help suppress it with Yamato-sensei."

"Ah?!" Both Kakashi and Naruto were surprised at this revelation.

"Well this is unexpected." Kakashi mumbled.

"Alright! I don't really understand the whole situation but thanks for your help Izaya!" Naruto gave me a thumbs up.

"Mn." I nodded. Yamato set up his Wood Style technique ready to act if he needed to as I stood on standby while watching Kakashi-sensei explain to Naruto about the different chakra natures and how he could speed up his learning with Shadow Clones. I sat in bored silence as I watched Naruto attempt to utilize his wind nature to cut the leaf in his hands. A few tens of minutes later and he succeeded in creating a small cut in the leaf. "Ha! See that! I did it! I can d-..." Before he could finish his sentence Naruto fell unconscious as sleep overtook his body. Kakashi quickly arrived by his side to gently placed him on the ground.

"Jeez. Pushing himself so hard like that already from the get go." Kakashi commented. Yamato relaxed a bit as the Nine-Tails chakra didn't flare up.

"It can't be helped. He's eager to learn a new technique soon and become stronger as fast as he can." I said. Kakashi turned to me and said, "Right, I haven't seen you in the village for a long time Izaya. Were you away on missions?"

"Mn. I was. I just returned not that long ago." I replied.

"I see. Even if you were away on missions, how has your training been going?" He asked curiously. I gave a small smile and said, "Lord Third has taught me a lot of different techniques and even given me the knowledge and information of Jutsu that he can't use. After many trial and errors I have been successful in some. Would you like to see?"

"Hm? Sure." Kakashi replied. I stood up from my seat and walked over to Kakashi before placing my hand out in front of me and said, "Rasengan!" A dense blue ball spinning at high velocity appeared in that moment and greatly shocked both Kakashi and Yamato. "WHAT?!" They both exclaimed. I then deactivated the technique and said, "Although Lord Third can't use this technique himself, he is aware of the principles behind this technique and told me about it. I haven't told Lord Third that I can use it yet, but as you can see my training has also gone quite well." Kakashi and Yamato were still too stunned and shocked to reply to my words. Soon after Naruto woke up as he slowly got back up.

"Eh?" Naruto had a confused look as he saw Yamato and Kakashi still with shocked expressions on their faces. "Um...Izaya, what happened to Kakashi-sensei and Yamato-sensei? Did something happen-dattebayo?"

"Well...Not really. Don't mind them. How do you feel?" Naruto just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Mn. I can continue." Naruto stood up and began his training once more.

"He's sure got spirit. And a lot of stamina to continue training right after that." I said to no one in particular. Kakashi and Yamato finally snapped out of their daze as Yamato's stoic facial expression returned focusing on Naruto and his training. Kakashi just gave me a complicated look before saying, "Flying Thunder God and Rasengan. You remind me of Lord Fourth a bit."

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