Chapter 38: Escaping Pain

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"What's going on out there?!" Tsunade and Shizune said at the same time in alarm. They both rushed out the Hokage's office door and turned to the hallway only to be completely stunned, shocked, and horrified, no words could describe how Tsunade felt at this very moment. There, lying in the hallway of the Hokage's building was a worn and tattered Haku as he panted and struggled to remain conscious all the while holding onto the bloody body of one of the Legendary Sannin. Jiraiya.

*Flash Back to a few days ago*

As Haku stood in Tsunade's office after Izaya recovered Tsunade gave her orders. "Haku… Jiraiya is currently in the Hidden Rain Village searching for clues on the leader of the Akatsuki. I'm worried about his safety. Your abilities are suitable in a place like that so I want you to go there and back up Jiraiya. I...I don't know why but I feel uneasy about Jiraiya being there alone. I trust in your abilities."

"Yes!" Haku saluted.

"Mn. I'm counting on you." Tsunade said. Haku disappeared in the next moment.

Swish! Dash! Splash!

Haku placed on a cloak as he had successfully infiltrated the Hidden Rain Village and was now searching for clues on Jiraiya's whereabouts. He used the Transformation Jutsu to look much older and walked into a pub taking a seat in the corner as he ordered something to eat and listened to the conversation going around. He spent about an hour in a few pubs before giving up and decided to go to where Jiraiya would most likely go. Although he really didn't want to, it was for a mission after all so Haku undid the Transformation Jutsu as he resumed his astonishingly handsome self once more. As he walked by the red-light district and entered some of their buildings he eventually got the information he was looking for. Jiraiya had been asking around about Hanzo of the Salamander and also learnt about the civil war being ended in the Hidden Rain Village. He then began asking questions about the possibility of meeting this so called leader who was very mysterious. It wasn't long before Haku discovered a place that was left in tatters and ruins and immediately guessed what had happened.

"Tsk. This doesn't look good. It seems Lord Jiraiya was caught up in a battle. I need to hurry!" He dashed off as he searched for any clues he could find and followed the flow of the battle from the marks and scars left behind.


Haku was immediately alarmed at this sound. He had followed the scars of the battle all the way to this remote location on the side of a large tall building by open water when he heard a loud noise that sounded like the stabbing of flesh. He had a bad premonition as his heart rate sped up.


Haku jumped as far as he could as he just turned the corner to make it to where he heard the sound of what seemed like a battle. His eyes widened in that moment as he saw a bloody Jiraiya lying on a broken fragment of rock with black rods sticking out his back and writing on the back of a small old frog. Just as Jiraiya had finished writing, Haku had also utilized the Hidden Mist Jutsu and used his incredible speed and agility to dash towards Jiraiya. At the same time five figures clad in the Akatsuki's clothing also jumped down towards Jiraiya.

As those five Akatsuki members were still airborne a dense thick mist obscured their vision causing them to widen their eyes in shock.

Was there someone else in the shadows? Because I stopped my Rain Jutsu I didn't detect any other foreign shinobi enter the country Pain thought.

Haku grabbed Jiraiya's body and dashed into the water below. Before he could do anything else however one of the Pain's said, "Almighty Push!" The area in the surroundings, including the water below and mist in the air were pushed away by a powerful force. Not only was the thick mist dispersed, but Haku holding Jiraiya was also pushed across the water and rolled a few times before being able to stabilize himself on top of the surface. At this moment a cold and powerful frost condensed around Haku as an icy mirror image of himself appeared beside him. The Ice Clone grabbed Jiraiya's body and dashed away as Haku stood across the water a fair distance away from the five Pains.

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