Chapter 36: Regaining Consciousness

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Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

"So you've come at last...Sasuke." Itachi said opening his eyes at this moment as he watched Sasuke turn the corner of the Uchiha Hideout and stop a few meters away from Itachi sitting on his throne. Sasuke glared at Itachi and smirked. "Itachi. Today you will pay for all the crimes that you committed."

"I once told you only to come before me when you obtained the same eyes as mine." Itachi said.

"Heh. Don't think that things will always go the way you want. I'm not just going to do something because you say it." Sasuke replied. Itachi remained silent for a moment as he recalled his conversation with Izaya in the forest awhile back. "Indeed. I was too confident that everything was under my control." Itachi said with a sigh.

Sasuke frowned. He didn't expect this kind of tone from Itachi which made him a tad bit angrier. What right did Itachi have to sound like he was lamenting. Wasn't he supposed to be his cruel older brother who killed the entire Uchiha Clan along with his mother and father? "Itachi, before your death you will give me some answers." Sasuke said with gritted teeth.

"If answers are what you seek then you must ask the right questions." Itachi said indifferently. Sasuke narrowed his eyes. "Whether I ask the right questions or not you will tell me everything you know."

"Such a commanding tone requires one to have the strength first. Demanding and asking are very different." Itachi replied.

"Hell if I give a damn! You're a dead man anyways!" Sasuke shouted. At this moment Itachi appeared beside Sasuke and said, "Then will you be the one to kill me?"

Sasuke turned and swung his right hand towards Itachi's face as Itachi blocked with a swing of his own right hand. He grabbed Sasuke's wrist and pulled him off balance as he pulled out a kunai and stabbed at Sasuke's chest. Sasuke quickly pulled out his sword with his left hand and expertly blocked the kunai with the flat of his blade. Itachi dropped his kunai and grabbed Sasuke's left wrist and jumped in the air aiming to kick him in the head. Sasuke blocked the kick with his right elbow and and grabbed Itachi's ankles flinging him over his shoulder while thrusting his sword upwards to stab Itachi. Itachi twisted his body in the air and grabbed onto the cloak Sasuke was wearing to give him a stable base and used that as leverage to swing his body away from the sword. He then kicked his leg at Sasuke's wrist effectively removing the sword from Sasuke's hand as the sword became stuck on the ceiling. Itachi threw a knee strike at Sasuke prompting him to lean backwards to dodge. This let Itachi grab onto a disoriented Sasuke's left arm and flung him over his shoulder onto the ground. Sasuke rolled a few feet into the distance as his cloak came off. He rolled into a kneeling position and activated Chidori as he rushed towards Itachi. Sasuke then said, "Chidori Stream!" The lightning from the Chidori spread all over the ground prompting Itachi to jump in the air to dodge, however, just as he did Sasuke appeared by his sword in the ceiling and used it to pierce Itachi's body back on the ground. As Itachi lay there with his body pierced looking at Sasuke's Sharingan with his own Sharingan he simply said, "You've gotten...Stronger...Sasuke."

Sasuke looked down at Itachi and said, "In the end there is something I wish to know." As Sasuke was going to ask Itachi his question Itachi pointed at Sasuke's forehead before pointing towards the throne in the room where he was sitting perfectly uninjured. It all happened in a Genjutsu. Itachi's lying corpse soon turned into a flock of crows as they cawed away in the room. Itachi sat with calm indifference and said, "Although it isn't over yet, what is it you wish to know? I'll listen." After a few more bouts of Genjutsu Sasuke asked his question. "Back then, you said that if I awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan then there would be three users. Who is the third person of the Uchiha Clan you spoke of?" Itachi sat in his chair as he sighed and said, "Why...would you want to know something like that?"

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